You can still apply through UCAS, however, because it is after the deadline, unis do not even have to consider you, they can throw your appplication straight in the bin, which is especially likely for the more popular courses, which will be well over subscribed by now. But if youa re interested in Art and stuff, look at some of your locla colleges, they do foundation degrees, which are two years, but you don't need to apply through UCAs and they are a well recognized qualification. I'm quite lucky, my UCAS was sent friday the 12th, and yesterday, I got my first offer, so I just hit the deadline, but allready have an offer. I'm pretty chuffed as the course I wanted to do is pretty popular. But yeah, definately go through UCAS, just don't be too dissapointed if you don't get anything. And hey, there is always clearing, but you'd still need to apply now for UCAS.