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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Jardo. I'm lazy and can't be arsed to clean my car. You. Me. Renault Clio that hasn't been washed in 4 months. Some of your soapy shit + time. Some of my money. You in?
  2. Ignore what I said about the cup spoiler, get this V6/Trophy spoiler, they are ridiculously cool. Reading, give or take.
  3. Yeah, there's a 'Which model?' guide on CS which is very helpful for differentiating the differences. Long and the short, the 'Cup' 182, not to be confused with the 'Cup packed' 182, had 60mm spacing on the bolts for the front strut assembly, compared to the 54mm on the 'non cup', 'cup packed' and 172 struts. Not every aftermarket manufacturer makes 60mm spacing units on their dampers/coilovers, so it can be trickier to find them on the Cup. This thread has more info. Cup spoilers are much better than the standard spoiler, though that's my opinion. They fetch a premium, normally around £120, but you'd have no trouble picking one up on Arctic Blue and they make the back look a lot more aggressive. You can also pick up a Skoda splitter for a tenner which, again IMO, changes the look of the front bumper. It's also cheaper than the £120 Renault will charge you for thiers, and you won't be gutted when you ram it into a curb. So with the cam/aux belt on these it's standard procedure to also replace all the pulleys and tensioners as well, because they tend to fail as much as the belts and it's the same result in the end. If that's not happened, then definitely get the belts done again for peace of mind. The dephaser is the bit which controls the VVT, it's a pain in the arse if it goes so if you're getting the belts done, get that done at the same time for peace of mind. Biggest killer of dephasers is low or dirty oil causing wear, if it goes your car will sound like a diesel and somewhat down on power. Water pump should be good for the life of the car now. Deleting air-con can be for many reasons, but it's almost always performance related. It's quite reliable as air-con on old french cars goes and no affect on the longevity of the engine as far as I'm aware. The system in itself weighs 20 odd kg, which is a fair bit of weight and obviously driving the compressor leaches some power.
  4. So much going on in this thread since I was last here. And another 1*2 owner, I approve. Cliosport is alright Jardo, if you sift through the shit-talking it's still a great resource, no different to any forum. £600 for the year is pretty good, Dann. When I bought mine I was 22 with no driving history and obviously no 'no-claims' discount, cost me £1200, the same as I payed for my Clio... Dropped to £700 the next year and now I'm at £530 with all mods declared on an agreed value policy, all mods insured like for like. By the looks of it your Clio is a standard 182, without either cup pack. That basically means no splitter or spoiler, no dark wheels or cup suspension. Seems like a reasonable price for what you got. Do you have a receipt for the cam belt change, was it just the cam belt or full cam belt kit? Does it also mention a dephaser change? Good that it's had the belts done £500 job on an aircon model, and not something you want done by anyone but a specialst... In other news, I followed Prawn's advice; Bloody love it. Although, I can't stop driving like a hooligan and it has some teething issues. Airbag lights are on because the resistors haven't come yet. Also think despite being advertised as the right boss, it's not turning the squib properly, so it's throwing up the ABS warning light. Not sure what to do about that though, can't find a definitive answer online.
  5. Lets talk aftermarket steering wheels. I want one, because racecar. It needs to have a horn button because I cant't be arsed faffing with a new wiper stalk for the Clio. Needs to fit an OMP Boss (6 screw pattern) Would like it to between 320mm and 340mm wide Shallow to no dish. What are you using?
  6. Class, love a bean. Got a thread on CS.net?
  7. I've seen the Tacoma at Goodwood FoS a couple of times. It's still an animal in the dry. The course is not smooth at all, Nick Heidfeld set the record in his McLaren F1 car and they set it up so twitchy... Here's the video
  8. Get rid of your car and get a 182... I still have the 172 and while I often think about faster cars I could afford, when I drive mine grin it puts on my face reminds me why I never want to get rid of it. Here's my breakdown of cost of ownership in case you were really thinking about it... Car - £2500 will get you a reasonable car on 80k miles, which will get you a decent car and if it's not just been done, will have an a new cam belt and aux belt done, which is the only expensive service (more on that later). Expect to pay more for Liquid Yellow (a £1000 paint option when new!) and Racing Blue as they are sought after. 'Cup Packs' added things like dark anthracite wheels, cup real spoiler (abut £120 second hand) and a cup front splitter. Not to be confused with the Cup model though, which had the cup packs, and also a cloth interior which was lighter, no xenon headlights and slightly reworked suspension which can make upgrades an annoyance. Insurance - Can be strangely high, comes down quickly enough. Tax - £260 a year which is a bit steep... Fuel Economy - http://www.fuelly.com/driver/debussetti/clio That's down about 30 miles a day of A and B roads and I do like to drive spiritedly here and there. Hooning you will see mid-low 20s and on a motorway run mine will do over 40 if you're good. Servicing - The main one is the cam belt and aux belt, its every 72k miles or 5 years and it costs around £650 all in, less if you shop around/get quotes. It needs to be done by a reputable mechanic because it's easy to throw the cam timing out if your mechanic doesn't use the correct tools and that can leave you down on power or worse a bricked engine. Make sure if you're not having it done yourself you've got a receipt from the previous owner. Other than that it's the same as any other car. Reliability - It's a French hatch back... Mine has been very good (touch wood) and the only real 'moment' it's had was spitting a spark plug two miles from home. The electrics are fairly decent and theres not a lot else to go wrong if it's been serviced on time. Other stuff - A very popular thing to do is a suspension refresh which is new dampers and springs all round, normally lowering springs like Eibachs or Cooksports and new bushes in the front ARB/wishbones and steering rack which makes them feel like new. Other than that check out Cliosport.net, cars there are often cheaper than PH etc and better cared for. I'm sure Jardo will pick up on any other mistakes and info I've missed.
  9. Car park photos ***!
  10. And they're in! Also stripped the rear and made a false floor.
  11. So when the Recaros go in, I'm going to whip the back seats out. What I want to do, is get some underlay and moldable carpet and fit out the back so it looks somewhat OEM, and keeps the road noise roughly the same. Where's the best place to get said carpet and underlay? Looking for a charcoal colour similar to the original.
  12. Yeah, it's really nicely done actually. Will go very well in my Clio...
  13. Just picked up the Recaros, my pants are filled with 'joy'.
  14. I saw them while browsing ebay idly on my lunch break. But being as they have mk2 Golf rails attached I assume they were posted there too?
  15. So I accidentally some Recaro Pole Positions... pick them up Tuesday. Massively excited, even though I won't be able to fit them for a while. My friend has a Clubsport, very decent for the money. And obviously your welcome to tell me to f**k off... But those are the worst wheel I've ever seen.
  16. I worked at Game and HMV for 5 years while I dossed around doing nothing with myself. Now I work for an IT Distribution company, looking after a number of bluechip companies Audio Visual business. It's OK and it's nice to have a fortune 500 companies name on your CV.
  17. Haz

    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year, y'all.
  18. Yes roi. You're welcome for a spin in mine if you need a refresher course. Also, I want some seats, something along the lines of Recaro SPGs or Cobra Imola Pro-fits. If anyone sees some for sale let me know!
  19. This is Jardo. 'Little for mods' would end up being the entire deposit...
  20. Definitely just buy a 1*2 and pocket the difference.
  21. Got bored. Purchased wheel studs. Not really sure why except for because racecar?
  22. I need some of those in my life.
  23. Only the 3rd time in my 2 years of ownership!
  24. Fixed my french electrics. I also realised I need a better multi-meter.
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