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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Haz

    Bear Grylls

    Awesome cheers.
  2. Good, then you should have experienced the annoyance of trying to decipher one of these names. Well, It's that kind of annoyance, over, and, over.
  3. Haz

    Bear Grylls

    Got Links? Can't find it anywhere. PM if necessary...
  4. Haz


    iPod Mini *** Mine has been running two years without a hitch, only recently has the battery life started to drop, and that's only because I use a radio transmitter for my car. I'm looking at getting a new one*, because I have 27Gb of music, I'm fed up of having to chop and change what is on my iPod, so the larger capacity is very appealing. What's not appealing is the price. Almost £200 so I can listen to some muic, f**k that. *New Video one, which according to Mac Rumors should be updated soon-ish.
  5. Judging by that your MSN name is something like -=D@nNy K3@rNs=- Just because it 'brings a bit of life to' MSN. amirite?
  6. I'm on another forum, where they have picture sigs. About 500 members, and about 20 moderators just for checking signature sizes. f**k that. Sigs off *** anyway. I don't really care if you like select/tarty bikes, it's great that you support them, doesn't mean I need to be told you do every time you post. Having a blinking image every time you post would serve only to piss me off more. And as much as I like poopipe, and the frankly genius things he comes up with, I don't want to read another one of his quotes, especially all over a picture! [/rant]
  7. Some great ideas in here. Please don't confuse great with plausable, though.
  8. Haz

    Bear Grylls

    Only ever saw 1 episode of Bear Grylls. Was awesome! Parachute into a lake, get naked, get dressed, run down a mountain, paddle harshest rapids in mountains in a shoddy raft made from twigs, eat trees. It's a winning combination really. Need to find a place to aquire the whole series.
  9. Haz


    Q: Where am I? A:AQA Thinks that you are at present , you are sitting in your bedroom, on your bed. YOua re alternating between watching TV and looking at your mobile phone. Not bad, replace TV for PC and it's right.
  10. They are great! I just build stealth tanks, and start NPC wars with it.
  11. Haz

    Who Plays Cs:s?

    Was on with JTM and Anal earlier. I play as TossPot. Started average, then just got worse. TF game some time?
  12. Haz

    Condom Game

    Cillit Bang - BANG and your condom's gone!
  13. Haz

    Who Plays Cs:s?

    I play. combat_wombat88 If you ever want a game.
  14. Haz


    "Silence is golden, but duct tape is silver."
  15. Like I said, a Long f**king time. I do know basic math.
  16. Less we forget it's 20 Lightyears away. Or 117 569 996 000 000 miles away. And the fastest rockets we have travel at about 17 500 miles an hour. Some simple maths tells us is, going to take around, I'm guessing here... (answer below)
  17. Haz


    Definately 'lol'ed.
  18. Transparent background, big as you like, no point ina photoshop file, all one layer, gif is fine. Jobs a good'n.
  19. Might pop along depending what time I'm working, won't be on a trials bike, but I'd like to get some riding photos... I'll let you know saturday, and I'll get someones number or something so I can meet you...
  20. Definately two decisions, not one. So you actually like girl b? If not, you could break up with her, and go with girl a, but you'll only be annoyed you did when girl a goes to ibiza. If you do like her, stay with her, and don't touch girl a with a pole, especially your love pole. Of course, I'm using my own personal morals here, but realisticly, that should be your starting point to make your own decision from.
  21. Haz

    Haha Msn Question

    It has it's advantages if you use a hotmail address, it means you can email yourself really easily from the Messenger window. Or at least, that was my excuse before I went to Gmail, and now, well, I like the company.
  22. Personally I wouldn't due to the only 6 items sold the seller has. And only 87.5% positive feedback, that definately raises some questions.
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