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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Get almost none round here. Last thing bad that happened was our fence got kicked down by some drunk people. Dad went out, took a couple of sly photos sent 'em to the local police. Police said, ahh these people caused 30 000 worth of damage to a digger at a building site down the road, we have CCTV footage. Took 'em to court, bang, go a few months in jail each. Owned.
  2. Haz

    Nfs Carbon

    It's just not 'difficult'. To beat the cops, to drift, to win the race, it's always easy. And you can't even use the R8 in the 'career' mode, pointless. On Most Wanted, some of the cop chases were intense, I love that game. Most Wanted > All Other NFS games > Carbon
  3. Haz

    Nfs Carbon

    I found tuner because they go like they are on rails, no shit, straight round the corner. Anyway, Forza 2 is far superior to every racing game ever. Fact. I painted that. Not easy when there are only 3 fonts and basic shapes to make stuff from.
  4. Haz

    Nfs Carbon

    Muscle, they are jsut shite to drive, except the few, like the z06 which romps.
  5. Haz

    Nfs Carbon

    I found Most Wanted much better and played it a load more. It's also older so probbaly cheaper. However, there is no drifting in MW. Which I'm not fussed about because it's just too easy in Carbon, get underground if drifting is a must.
  6. Haz

    Hop Idol.

    I remember seeing Boon in there, thinking who the hell is he? Not knowing for ana ge then seeing a vid and being completely amazed. Back when I was chuffed I could do about 3 pedal hops.
  7. That's a lathe. He'd need to be a 5 axis (at least) router to make the things he does.
  8. Haz

    Carbon Calculator

    14.46 for my house, around ten of which came from cars. What have I learned? Having 6 cars in one household is not condusive to a low carbon footprint.
  9. Haz

    Graphics Tablets

    I have a cheap A6 one, it's a few years old, but it's great. Definately go for Wacom though, nothing else compares.
  10. Haz

    What's That Smell?

    Congratulations, nice one.
  11. Internet Pizza. Dominos website, make your order, wait for delivery and enjoy. Bitchin'.
  12. They all have wheels. That's a good start, and I don't even work for them.
  13. Go play Stairway to Heaven
  14. Haz


    Yeah, but these are comfy, and don't rub like f**k.
  15. Ahh yes. Could well be. Either way, My contract ends soon, and if it's not faster soon, I'll be changing...
  16. Haz


    So comfy, seriously, they are about the comfiest thing I've ever worn. However, the "oh my god look what that fag is wearing!!1" factor overcomes the comfort and I wouldn't be seen dead in them.
  17. I'm supposed to be on BT 8mb, but I guess thier addy does say up to 8mb BB. What I want to know is how is my mate on 20mb just down the road from me, on Virgin Media, when they use a BT line. What's the deal? Haven't had a line upgrade for an appsolute age...
  18. Haz

    What's Your Job?

    Enjoy explaining the benefits of optical zoom over digital zoom, regarding sub £100 compact cameras. *sniggers* I got myself double hours at Tesco for the summer, I might ask for more...
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