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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Haz

    The Heroes Thread

    It's so good. Peter will almost be a new character in this series, that is cool...
  2. Haz

    The Heroes Thread

    I like Season 2, it's good so far...
  3. Ahh fook, that's not good. All the best to Dave.
  4. You, are not the only one... THAT, is what is worrying me, more than you, tomorrow...
  5. You heard... Boy with ME in your f**king 'sig' quote... (f**k I hate that)... (waiting 'till I sober till I go to bed...) DAMN
  6. Quoted for mother f**king, hoping TF wasn't my homepage truth... IE, the first f**king shit I turn too... LOL
  7. Believe me when I say, dancing with a gay guy will get you alll numbers beond recognition... with respect.... I f**king hope... If not fatty, you've waited at least 2 years too "get" laid... and you have waited no f**king reason... Oh f**k I hope I am right in the morning.... SHIT I will re*inform* tomorrow... f**king bollox will I, i ahd a good night, so did becky... She won a dildo FFS... *f**k AGAIN....
  8. Best f**kin pleased am I that I got got off with 8 f**kin numbers last nigtht because I snooged a gay last night an how many *female* numbers I got last night... Suck My DicK.. Says Becky... All I can say Is LOL UNI.... no means to brag, but LOL... Would ut money there is a f**k facebook tomorrow to prove.... Oh f**king shit I was drunk OK?!?!?!?!
  9. Haz

    Halo 3

    skate. is better... I could play that shit all day...
  10. It had better be on Final Gear ASAP! I need to see it but dont have a TV!
  11. But... but... the bouncy balls.
  12. I think sums up my new thoughts towards you.
  13. Haz

    E-mail Help!

    Ahh then I'm afraid I can't help.
  14. Haz

    E-mail Help!

    Sounds like you are using Gmail?
  15. Bouncy Balls > That You know I'm right...
  16. Hmmm, girls eh? Too f**king right... I laught now, tomorrow, it mya not be the same, aahhhhhh UNI...
  17. Haz

    Name A Band

    Sonic Boom Six are an awesome band, especially live.
  18. iPhone is only 8Gb whilst the Touch is 8Gb or 16Gb. Essentially, no.
  19. If you weren't a retard you'd have the cable coming out of the watch running up your sleeve and out your collar, so you'd still have the full range of movement, and if need be, you could scratch your arse without any such issues.
  20. Haz

    3d Modeling

    I'd recommend Google Sketch It Up, it's free and pretty good for a learner, will definately help you decide whether or not you can be arsed to learn a full on 3D suite.
  21. On a similar note, if anyone knows where I can get a copy of Biffy Clyro performing Umbrella by Rihanna, which was done live on Radio 1, I'd love you for it.
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