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Everything posted by Haz

  1. that's because you suck dick and want to spend cash on a 'vintage' pair of Nikes. I jest...
  2. Was a damn good game, but we were never meant to win. We did good, we proved our point. SA played well throughout the cup, we played 'well enough'. 'grats to my uncle who I will no doubt get a call from in the morning...
  3. Not renny, blad, just Ren, as in Jenny Wren. Just got in from drowning my sorrows. How did they dis-alow that try... Left in a club by myself, all my friends left (got kicked), f**k me I'm drunk... ('Pants, I don't know your number, let alone your sisters... )
  4. Theres a list somewhere of what people who have been executed recently in the deep south of North America requested for thier last meals, there is a whole lot of southern fried chicken. Most of these guys ordered like 5 buckets each, it's a pretty fnny read in a morbid way. I'd probably take a bowl of Spagetti Bolognese, with garlic bread and couple of beers.
  5. I'm not doing too bad actually. When I stared Uni, I had about £400, went through that in the first week. Then I got around £1200 student loan, and a week or two I got my last pay check from work, about £200. Balance currently stands at around £1100. I've bought a lot of books and course materials, but I've calmed my drinking down, so I spend a lot less. Edit: Piss poor grammar.
  6. The mouse should be on OS support. Are your other USB devices working?
  7. I voted Alonso. I don't like the guy, he seems like a dick, but I think he will be gunning it, and I'm not sure how McLaren will play this. I want Kimi to win, because next year Hamilton will be unstopable, and it's his last real chance. Whilst Hamilton is an amazing talent, if he doesn't win this year he'll have a much better year next year. However if he does win, I'd be more than happy.
  8. Andy, who taught me to gap to front wheel one time with Deej in Reading... Have a good'n.
  9. Sounds like they are playing off the name Enter Shikari, a band who I can't stand, so I won't even listen... Sorry.
  10. I wasn't going to try, but on that note, I will... Edit: 152, bollocks... Is that good, should I apply for mensa? Or does my intelligence increase whilst on the piss? Seems like shite to me.
  11. Downling is still OK for me, I'm at uni, but they just don't care how much I drink. Or how much porn/(whatever/Heroes/Top Gear) I DL, uni seem fine with that, so I just want to drink more, and meet more random women... And still I DL shit. NO Limits, f**k yeah. Discuss.
  12. Tonight was f**king good, met up with my boy Sammy Ren, watched France get killed (again), went to another bar, met up with some other friends, got more drunk, went back to a pretty good but damn random house party, went back to Ren's, went through a bottle of scotch, had a damn good (what the f**k is up) chat, and walked home at lightening speed, I'm still f**king happy and drunk. Uni, as I'm sure yoyoyo can contest, is a f**king good time... I would recommend it to anyone, and I work my tits off, allready...
  13. Getting the cold shoulder from a girl you were getting on pretty well with sucks to be honest. Going out tonight though, so we shall see what is up.
  14. It's fair to say, I have pre ordered CoD4... The multiplyer beta was awesome on the 360, and the singleplayer demo awesome on the PC... I just cant stand 'classic' war games...
  15. Port 27015 is shut, could be something to do with it...
  16. I thought that, but I don't know, and I have had that with a load of games, but It's not like I just got CSS, so that should at least work. Will try it with the firewall turned off... No luck there either, can I just ask, in your Windows Firewall Exceptions, do you just have Steam and two hl2 exceptions? If I were missing something, might be there?
  17. No luck, I can't find a game on CS either. Which is annoying, kinda bored after completing Portal and Ep2...
  18. Or it's the game selling the most copies at the moment? And provided a massive boost in sales of 360s. It's a fun game multiplayer, rest is pretty average IMO, not my kind of game.
  19. I can't find servers at uni, otherwise I would be on TF2...
  20. Timeshift is a good idea with wank gameplay. I didn't enjoy the 360 demo at all. GRAW 2 would have been so good it it were longer, I bought it, completed the single player in 3 days, and allready have GRAW and RS:v6 for my multiplayer needs. Forza 2 was the don, but I sucked online, so don't play it any more. I'm just waiting for PGR4, Assasin's Creed, and Mass Effect on the 360. And Call of Duty 4 on the PC, the demo is brilliant.
  21. Haz


    In before the lock!
  22. Not bad, 8/10 for effort. Hope you repair ok, any idea 'oo' dunn'it?
  23. I completed the advance challenges on Portal yesterday. It is so good and the credits are just brilliant. The Orange Box is definately my recommendation for this thread, not one thing included is not worth a play if you haven't all ready.
  24. How does the back brake feel, just out of interest?
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