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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Site is being ragged, I can't confirm my order...
  2. AFAIK, he doesn't have a drive yet, I'd suggest BMW Sauber are indeed hoping to sign him. Oh, and... First ever night race next year, that will be awesome! (maybe)
  3. And at the price you'd pay for a decent 8800 you could get two 7900s (second hand or from ebay) and money left over for a AMD 3800 X2 If of course, youa re SLi enabled...
  4. Haz

    The Joke Thread

    Is it wrong I find these so funny?
  5. Haz

    Phone Contracts!

    I just upgraded to 02 35 on an 18 month contract. 600 minutes 1000 texts (normally 500, but I am a 'valued customer') 512kb internet free insurance (after a year of having it anyway) As the name would suggest, £35 a month with a free phone.
  6. Why is it yoyoyo seems to run this thread. Apparently this is the thread to be in... ... so here I am, f**ked. xD
  7. All of the 360s should come with HDMI outputs now, they upgraded them. The only thing about the Elite now is the larger HDD.
  8. I'm just saying, it's not necessary, but I really would recommend getting the HDD. And as a package the Premium is by far the best.
  9. That's the choice you get. You can connect your 360 to the internet, and get a basic service, allowing you to download demos, videos, and upload your gamerscore all for free. However, you have to pay around £40 anually should you wish to play your games online against other people. The core is fine, but not having the HDD (pretty expensive on its own) is a real draw back.
  10. Get the Premium. It comes with the HDD, wireless controller, and headset. With the Core you only get a 64mb memory card, so you cant download game demos (a free service), a wired controller, and no headset. MotoGP07 is a good game, so you could get that. But, Project Gotham Racing 4 was released just the other week, as such, I'd recommend that for sure (as there is no GT). And as a bonus there are cars and bikes now, both of which are pretty fun to drive. As for GTA, GTA 4 should be out some time next year, but it keeps getting delayed. There is no decent BMX game afaik, but skate. is awesome fun. Despite it being skateboarding...
  11. Did you watch the same game? We were making stupid mistakes the whole game.
  12. Anyone else see the two pit lane incidents, I was laughing so much when that tyre just rolled into the guy and took him out. Wasn't funny when (was it Rosberg?) the car skidded into the pits and took out the front jacksman.
  13. I'm dead happy, Kimi was well deserved of the win. Will be interesting to see what they say in the interviews.
  14. Haz

    Who Would.....

    I laughed so much when I saw that...
  15. Haz

    Sli Question

    Maybe I'm confised with Crossfire, I know that doesn't require identical cards.
  16. Haz

    Sli Question

    Not even the same card, so long as they are both SLi enabled and you have dedicated SLi RAM, you should be fine. You need a SLi mobo aswell. but yeah two identical 7900GSs should be OK.
  17. Haz


    Copy + paste this; "Bike tri-ulz, izzit, blad?" that will get you far...
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