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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Haz

    The Heroes Thread

    That's so gay. How the hell will they wrap it up next episode, it was jsut getting so much better...
  2. Don't you worry your pretty little head... I'm go'n' BED EDIT: LOL rhyme...
  3. Hmmm, vodka is good, but £7 that's almost on the expensive side... I NEED MOAR LOAN
  4. Biscuits F T W Tesco Value Chocolate Chip Cookies are almost cheaper than bread, 80p for 600g, whilst (decent) bread is £1 for 800g. I know which I'd rather have...
  5. HELLO! Drunk F T W (*** F T L ) School discos are so good!! especially on £1.50 a pint night...
  6. Why?! Why?! Because I'm TROLLIED!!!! No joke...
  7. Seems when you go to a club in a straight jacket you got off ebay, girls will tie you up and take advantage of you. I approve. Photos tomorrow, I'd imagine.
  8. This is actually the funniest thread on TF at the moment.
  9. There's no way I'm not, really...
  10. Haz


    This is the phone everyone should be getting, I'm so happy with mine...
  11. Haz

    The Heroes Thread

    Focused too much on one part of the story... Not my favourite ep...
  12. Yeah, but I'd order it from China...
  13. Sure, when he earns it.
  14. I can tell, you are impressed...
  15. This thread could do with resurection. I'm back from Chicago Rock Cafe, which believe it or not only plays hardcore house and dance. BUT, it was my best bud Ren's birthday and it was f**king good, I'm pissed, he was pissed, the taxi driver home was a complete joker, everything was so good. To top that all off, it was £1.50 a drink night and after God knows how many shots of vodka, a JD and coke slips down a treat. + I knew the bartender, so she gave me a slice of lime and hell, I'm in heaven, that shit is so good. WAIT, did I forget the strippers who were on, OH YES, they were on... That was fun...
  16. Haz

    Gay Test

    20%, I saw that thing just before you get your results and thought to myself, "OH LOL", then I saw the 'Get Results' button and was like thank "Ahhhh...".
  17. Haz

    The Heroes Thread

    What?! This weeks was so awesome, probably my favourite of the series so far, it completely set the whole thing up! Then again, I did watch last weeks just before it because I wasn't here last week, so I might be mixing them up.
  18. *see drunk thread* I leave you lot for a week (not that you will notice), but hey HO (let's go), yeah, see you.
  19. Well, tonight I went out, I was stood up by so many people, but so many new... I LOVE uni... And considering, I'm going to barcelona tomorrow, I can't f**king wait!
  20. On the Crysis demo I got ~20fps, all medium settings, 1680*1050, no AA. C2D E6600 @ 3GHz 2Gb RAM x1950 pro this made me sad, but I plan to buy a pair of 8800GTs at some point, and early next year when intel release the new Quad Cores, I plan to get one. This game makes my computer sad.
  21. Haz

    Xbox 360 V Ps3

    360 without a doubt. What games could you possibly want on the PS3, which aren't either a ) multi-platform or b ) are actually any good in the first place. The new GTA is coming out on the 360, the only reason it hasn't been released is because the PS3 version runs so badly they have to keep delaying. GRAW2 isn't as good as GRAW, the story is too short and the multiplayer is still average, I'd defiantely recommend R6:V though, that's awesome. Potentially the PS3 has better graphics, but most developers have such a hard time coding for it, they never look that much better than the 360. Online, Xbox LIVE really is the don, I've played online on a PS3, and if you can find anyone, it's OK, but despite the thousands of smacktalking kids, LIVE is awesome.
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