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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Clearly talented music, but not to my taste. Change the name though, and you will go far, it doesn't suit your music, in my opinion. Well done, none the less.
  2. Haz

    Name A Band

    Been ages since I listened to NFG. I kind went off them, I might look back into them... I currently can't stop listening to Easyworld. They are a quality act. P.S. Chick from Paramore is hot, shame the music is not quite as good as it could be...
  3. But how will you post more pics unless yu only paint it at the last minute?
  4. Except of course when they are formed by people who clearly have no grasp of the subject and have cleary taken gospel from The Daily Mail. Without looking it up, you probably couldn't even tell me the town either the McCanns live in or the town in Portugal where they were staying, so how can you be so sure they did it? Edit: just seen he's suspended, nm...
  5. Why do people leghump Banksy so much? Some of his stuff is quite cool, but not to the point most people seem to.
  6. I genuinely could not choose one. So... Spagetti Bolognase/Carbonara Lasagne Macaroni Cheese (with chicken and/or bacon) Steak and Chips Corn Beef Hash with baked beans Faggots with gravy mash potato + peas Stirfry Haggis, gravy, mash potato, peas Fajitas Cheese + Tomato Pizza with Tobasco Sauce Chicken Korma Gamon, Onion sauce, parsnips, potatos, carrots + peas Thai Green/Red curry plus more.
  7. He has never spoken on TV, so I asume that's coming from camera crew?
  8. I use a 20" Samsung for my 360 and PC. It's awesome but there is pretty bad leak from the top and bottom, it's fine though, the quality of the screen elsewise is just so good. Would love a larger one though...
  9. I don't really eat most of the stuff on there, so if I were to duplicate the best deals, then I would save so much when I print them. But yeah, it's not really profiting, that would be impossible, it's jsut a good way of abusing the service, especially if you like your burger king.
  10. Stick it in photoshop, duplicate all the good deals, use them, profit?
  11. Haz

    I Am Legend

    Manakin does move it's head, just watched that bit again. Turns it's head to the right ust a little to look at the car...
  12. I am really fond of my k850i, what you are looking for sums it up really well.
  13. Haz


    Join the club, it's so gay...
  14. Just played a few games of yahoo pool, was good fun...
  15. Haz


    Shit me I want somethign as nice as that, that's less than I am aying for my piece of shit uni accomodation...
  16. Haz

    Street 26" Frame

    Not really into most of these bikes, so I think I'm going to sell everything I have and start a fresh, perhaps an Inspired 24"...
  17. Haz


    Why is it then we strive to find a significant other? I'm not entirely sure if you'd consider you making yourself happy, or your partner making yourself happy. Same goes for friendship really, you arn't hanging around with other people, so why them, why do you consider them your friends, why don't you spend your time alone, what ever gave you the idea of going out and meeting people? Nevertheless, sleeping naked > *
  18. Body says yes, but head says noooo. Still can't sleep.
  19. Haz


    I could type some really relevant stuff in here which would make sense, but I didn't read that and all I have to say is... Because I'm in that kind of mood.
  20. Ugh, it's so hard online, you get shot down so fast... I'll play you some time...
  21. No sort code and account number for home?
  22. Haz

    Street 26" Frame

    Yeah, I used to run it on my Ashton when my pads ran low... Possible but not ideal. Think I might just sell everything and start over...
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