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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Haz


    Going house hunting this week, need to get it sorted. Big time.
  2. You can get cracked verisons with free servers, which can make you level up faster. You can only play with other cracked people. Personally I can't stand it, and I used to be addicted to SilkRoad... Only good to come out of it was LLEEERRRRROOOOYYYYY JJJJJEEENNNKKKINNNNNSSSSSS
  3. Just watched Trainspotting for the 11millionth time. Now going to watch Atonement, which I have no idea what it is, but nevermind, eh?
  4. It's the walking, that's my excuse. I only went to the bar with my future housemates and ended drinking a few to many, but I still felt fine, just got in and I'm pretty smashed...
  5. Any of you gayers about? I just watched Big, had forgotten how good it was.
  6. You turned on Media Sharing in Windows Media Player?
  7. I only went to the bar for a quiet drink, but I'm drunk now, awesome... Gonna' watch Basketball, WINNER!!!
  8. Mass Effect is awesome if you're into ActionRPGs, if you're not, it's not really going to to do much for you. If you ever played Knights Of The Old Republic, then it's just like that, with prettier graphics in a different galaxy. However, it was probably one of my favourite games of 2007 and I really enjoyed it, not much replay value for me though.
  9. "They're tungsten tipped screws..."
  10. Halo 3, you're having a laugh arn't you? PGR4 or nothing.
  11. I hope you have a power breaker or surge protector on that...
  12. That's a little gash. Hopefully it's still repairable...
  13. Haz

    Macbook Air

    I'm with you on this one. Looks sexy, but there's no way in hell I'd even consider one.
  14. I read all of that. A little piece of me died.
  15. I knew you'd come through. Gonna' watch The Bourne Supremacy, later kids.
  16. I've done Epilogue on PC, veteran, what a beast of a mission...
  17. Well, by now I've been back at uni a day and I'm well into my stride, expect more from me and hopefully yoyoyo in the coming days... xD
  18. Back in the days of 56k, I printed some porn with the intent to switch it with one of my friends homework. Instead, I left it on the printer, where my parents promptly found it, and moved it to the kitchen counter. They didn't say anything, but they were pretty funny about that kind of stuff for a while, that's where I had one of those 'talks' with my dad. f**k me that was embarrasing... I'm totally doing it to my son, if I ever have one.
  19. Fully sold out of the happy chickens in Tesco today, most people weren't even looking at the usual stuff. I didn't watch it though.
  20. Haz


    Came from the days of multiplayer gaming before VoIP or voice chat in games, when you didnt really hav time to type, a lot of people jsut mashed thier fist across the keyboard as fast as they could, so long as it got the message across.
  21. Samsung > all other budget high def TVs
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