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Everything posted by Haz

  1. I've seen it. Pretty poor on the whole IMO. The plot kind of amounted to nothing, and the camera overall was distracting. Perhaps I need to see it at the cinema to fully appreciate it.
  2. Haz

    Modern Toss

    Just watched it on 4oD, I saw them.
  3. Haz

    Modern Toss

    Which episode?
  4. Please? Find this one amusing, from monday, which was definately one of the wierdest nights of my life.
  5. Haz

    Forza 2 Thread

    Actually, they are. They have 3 cores each at 3.2Ghz, I'm going to guess an say most people on TF are running a Pentium 4 3Ghz, or equivelant. Then don't forget the faster RAM of the 360, and you'll have severe trouble even finding comparitive parts, let alone parts which surpass the power of the 360 to the point it can emulate a 360, and run the game. Look how long it took for PS2 emulators to come out, don't expect it to be any shorter for the 360.
  6. Haz

    Virgin Galactic

    Could have told you that. Norman Foster and his cronies are designing the 'spaceport'.
  7. Haz

    Forza 2 Thread

    Nope on both counts. 360 exclusive and 360s are too powerful for a PC to emulate.
  8. Haz

    Forza 2 Thread

    Yeah, but not cross manufacturer, with certain cars. So you can but S2000 engines in Integras and stuff, but not Hemis or anything. Trouble is you have to change the drive aswell, so if you want a 4wd S2000, it's not going to happen.
  9. You've been framed was never the same after he left... RIP
  10. Haz

    Forza 2 Thread

    Looks exactly the same as my Corrado, R32 engine transplant?
  11. Haz


    Parents once had adjacent numbers to the winning 6. I laughed.
  12. Yeah, wasn't exactly spectacular was it?
  13. Workshop is open all week, CAD computers, Drawing Boards are free to use all week, a load of materials are paid for. Always a member of staff to help you with what you're doing. It's not 3 hours work a week, trust me.
  14. Was getting drunk, walked down stairs at the club, dislocated my knee, called it a night at the club, met some guys outside the front of my appartment who invited me for a smoke. Smoked, chatted the night away. Was good. Knee will be back in brace this week. Serves me for buying a gym membership again.
  15. Owned. EDIT: perhaps not, now I can count, I realise that it's the same amount of time. Ah well, I live within 2 minutes of my lecture building. xD Monday, Tuesday, Friday off. But, 10-12 Wednesday and 10-11 Thursday. 1st year. Back on topic, easter this term is really early, so it doesn't line up with the easter break, not sure how much that has to do with it, but seems at though it could be.
  16. You get 1 year warranty for any problem, 3 year for 3 rrod.
  17. S'ok, threads like this are meant to be bumped. I'm watching SiCKO...
  18. Haz

    Cool Jeff Lenosky Clip

    EVOLVE! The video I watched before my dirt jumping friend introduced me to trials. Man, I loved this video. I only wish I stilll loved trials the way I did then...
  19. All I can say is, get the DVD cop[y, you will not regret watching the extras... ... 20 full minutes of HYPNOTOAD!!!!
  20. Mate, I'm a uni student, I'm pissed, WTF do you want? I pulled for monday though, that should be good.......................
  21. I got kicked, man, I was too drunk too early, about 30 mins.... but f**k it, pulled some girl, she was fit...
  22. Yeah, it lets you start over again, you can do Prestige up to 5 times, but after the first, it's kinda gay.
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