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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Natasha Bedingfield - Ray Of Light All because of Bongo...
  2. Whatever I decide to put through Audio Surf next, all though for the last half an hour it's been Wind It Up by The Prodigy
  3. Soon scientists will decide that life is just one big crisis, I can't wait for that moment. I think it's one of those things you'll have to motor through, find something that you enjoy doing at use that to take your mind of things.
  4. Listening to Leon, which coincidentally is accompanied by a moving picture.
  5. Haz

    Blu Ray Wins

    I didn't spend £120 on a HD-DVD player, anyway.
  6. Haz


    Old as f**k pic which I post over and over again, but it makes me laugh. EDIT: anyone with an ExIF viewer, look how wide the CCD is.
  7. Morning kiddies! Anyone else not been to bed yet?
  8. In a strange twist of grace, I was pretty sober and so was the girl, we only met that day and she came to stay at mine, all went pretty smooth to be honest. Probably the best pre-sex head I've ever had, actually.
  9. playing Audio Surf, I'm not joking, it's more addictive than heroin.
  10. Amazing song. Listening to the Bosstones atm.
  11. Haz


    Council Housed and Violent.
  12. Most of them have. Look at garden birds, Great Tits, Blue Tits, Long Tail Tit, Coal Tit, loads of tits, all the same genus, but evolved differently. Cows probably haven't always been cows. And the reason they are other animals is because they have evolved in some way, at one point, they may have been the same species, deer and gazelle for example. It's jsut that they have evolved so far, they are no longer anything like each other.
  13. Evolution is a product of the environment. If a species lives in trees, then every time an infant is born with a mutation that benefits the animal living in trees, there is a high chance this animal will go on to mate, with the possibility that the infant of that next generation will carry the same mutation, as animals breed this mutation will spread through the species as the older generations before the mutations die out. Breeding race horse works in exactly the same way. The structure and proportions of the leg make a great deal of difference how fast the horse will run and how smooth it will be. As the small mutations are passed from generation to generation of race horse, they will become gradually more suited to running at faster and faster speeds, because those mutations are benefitting them, and making it more likely they will be used for breeding. In terms of people and monkeys, I guess ages ago at some point, the environment we were living in it became necessary to outsmart our prey/whatever, which meant we had to become more more intelligent, the intelligent would prosper and more than likely reproduce more than the less smart counterparts. If we were separate from another group of primates, of the smae species, and breeding did not reach the other group, then they would evolve separately, each evolving to suit thier environment, separating the species even more. If you see what I mean?
  14. Google 'myspace music downloader'....
  15. World War Z - Max Brooks (ISBN 978-0-7156-3703-6) A collection of stories from survivors of a fictional class 5 Zombie outbreak. Film to be released later this year. ~350 pages of easy reading. 8/10 The Zombie Survival Guide (Complete Protection From The Living Dead) - Max Brooks (ISBN 978-0-7156-3318-2) Exactly what it says on the cover, pretty interesting, fun read if you've read the first book. This is kind of a Ray Mears 'How To Kill Zombies'. ~250 informative pages. 8/10 This shit goes down next to George Orwell.
  16. He's only 3 posts ahead. I could do that now, except that'd be cheating even more, because I'm not drunk at the moment...
  17. If it's the one I think it is, Organ Donor - DJ Shadow
  18. I plan to make a comeback Monday, when this deadline passes, and Thursday, and Friday, and Saturday. Just you wait.
  19. In most big towns they have RM recruitment shops, where you can go in and talk to a recruitment agent. Do it. They want you to join the army, but they will also help give you direction as to which part is best suited to you. I had numerous careers interview and the thing which kept coming up was special effects technician, but that would have been retarded, where do you even begin? In the end I chucked that in and said, I like designing and building stuff, I'll be an Architect. Now I'm at uni, well on my way to achieving that. Everything has really come together for me, and there's no reason it shouldn't for you.
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