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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Haz

    The Lost Thread

    You got da AIDS, bro.
  2. New have. Edit: by have, I mean AVatar...
  3. Shopping Washing Anything I have to do tomorrow really, I may just buy a Nintendo DS to cheermyself up...
  4. It's a thursday, I have Fridays off, new bar opens, drink promos all night, here I am. Amazing. Pint of Stella, £1.
  5. Haz

    What's Your Job?

    Probably around 7 litres with about 200bhp...
  6. This Apparatus Must Be Unearthed.
  7. The Mars Volta - Cicatriz ESP Such a good album, I've not listened in so long...
  8. I'm going to go with the "It's like crack," option, "you say it's not worth it anymore, but you just keep coming back." I just enjoy the semi sensible nature of the chit chat forum here, I also like to watch trials videos and see what's happeneing in the sport.
  9. Haz

    The Design Thread

    Then that's just a bitmap. It does look good though. Illustrator has a pretty steep learning curve, find some tutorials online.
  10. you have the gAIDS

  11. Now this is late night crew, where's the Dr?
  12. I keep meaning to buy a bike, and I will have one by the start of summer. Haven't ridden for like 2 years, still got a set of wheels and old Ashton Mk3 in the shed at home, but no one wants em because they're old fashioned, no one wants Mavic rims anymore...
  13. Haz


    Give me a few days, I'll hire an army of kids to run up to you in the street and ask for your autograph, for you are obviously the coolest of the cats.
  14. Sweet, I've been trying to get to grips with it for a couple of photomontages I've got to do for my course, more fun than photoshop...
  15. Hmm, strange, probably can't help you with that one as I only have Corel 9 and a 7 year old Wacom...
  16. Which version of Corel and which tablet, I've had set up problems aswell so I may be able to help...
  17. Err, bump? Night crew about?
  18. Haz


    So did anyone run to the corner of a room, door frame or hide under a table or in the bath when it started? If not, you're all mugs. And could be dead...
  19. Daft Punk - Alive 2007, the entire album, it's amazing.
  20. Haz

    Hope Table

    The ti hubs were never as nice as the Monos...
  21. Haz


    I took the liberty of alerting our divine country's number one facist news supplier. oh my god CONSPIRACY!
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