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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Haz

    Riding On Graves.

    In Reading a long time back, a group of us were riding at the Hexagon, just round the corner from a grave yard, as we rode through the grave yard we were talking about how there were such good lines there. Then someone decided it would be a good idea to drop out of a tree...
  2. Haz

    The Fake Trade

    They also show programs from The Discovery Channel and National Geographic, which cost 99p per view. That is where the DRM is primarily used, it's probably just easier for them to stick it on all their programs.
  3. I used to have a small toy of that vehicle, haha.
  4. Gimmee a heads up, Jonathan... xD
  5. Sun glasses + Cap = fashion faux pas.
  6. Haz


    Canon G9, my mum jsut got one and it is amazing. I want one.
  7. Two infact, I only realised that Dr. Nick had got there first after I posted... But I think his was only a minor infraction anyway...
  8. I've just seen this, and all I have to stay is DIAF.
  9. CERN in general has a shit load of really cool stuff. I'd love to check it out.
  10. I won't lie, I immediately thought about DeLoreans, Mr. Fusions and "Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads..."
  11. Oh, you mean fibre optics?
  12. I'm buying an E30 318is this summer, to fix up and posibly make track worthy... Going to be fun. Check out www.e30zone.net
  13. Easyworld - Try Not to Think love this song...
  14. I think it was more to do with that telling people that they will be 'punished eternally for thier sins', was a pretty god way of stopping peasant uprising against the high classes. I can see the advert on TV now...
  15. Haz


    So it's not the k850i at all, because the main idea behind the k850i is the 5mp camera? And the k850i has it's own media player, which pretty much holds up to all of the W series I've tried. I own a k850i, it's nice, but the camera whilst good quality (when no flash is used) cant take pictures for shit if you are using flash, always over or under exposed... I'd go for one of the New Nokia N95s today...
  16. If you count 0000 and 000, there are 10 000 and 1000 combinations respectively... That extra one makes all the difference!
  17. Watching The IT Crowd. Amazing.
  18. Shops that don't deliver anywhere but the Billing Address...
  19. Haz

    The Design Thread

    You are quite correct.
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