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Everything posted by Haz

  1. This just may be the latest I have entered this post. But it did need to be done. If only for self recognition... EDIT: wtf dbl post...
  2. So in true Haz fashion, got drunk, don't remember much but got drunk went to a mates, got more drunk, waited till we'd outstayed our welcome, went home... ... stole a shit load of Doovres... Still up. I shit TRAINS. What Now?
  3. Quality film. Might watch it myself actually...
  4. I'm tired. What the hell, it's not even 5 yet...
  5. Just chilling, chatting to my homepeople (political correctness ), about to get a sarnie...
  6. I came here to post this, the less shear force you can generate the better. If you have a joint, under tension, in most cases, it won't be as strong as a weld under compression. Would only be a problem when there is a lot of momentum im te wheel, and in trials, there's not really. Would be cool to see an integrated caliper, would keep it safe and out of the way, like on the old Leesons, but on forks...
  7. I know that you are a 99 year old lady from Hereford. Yes, everyone knows everyone.
  8. We should go for a piss up in London. Like a ride, but instead of bikes, alchohol. All in favour say I. I Oh, and I'd love Personal Stickies. So I could sticky a topic to the top of a page in a subsection to the regualr stickies. Like a subscription, but more in your face and accessable. Everyone has their own idea of what threads they want to see, and it'd just be a nice feature. I can see it being an annoyance to implement, such as the custom forum order, but meh, just a suggestion. Worst idea of the thread; delete your own posts. I personally like seeing when someone makes a tit out of themselves for one reason or another, and if it's a real problem, the mods are pretty savy and can manage that.
  9. Page to page is ok, the initial load seems longer.
  10. Haz


    Yeah, I'll be watching. Still wet I assume?
  11. Currently snowing here in Canterbury, despite it just being sunny and windy as f**k earlier.
  12. Haz

    Global Warming

    Global warming != everywhere getting sunnier/hotter It doesn't really work like that, whilst the average temperature of the planet will rise, it all depends where you are on the planet, and the UK is actually pretty lucky considering were on the same latitude as most of central Russia and southern Canada. The best theory I have read about was that global warming was caused by the increased number of sun spots at the moment, and that these sun spots were firing more radtiation further into space, which in turn heats our planet more, so infact there is nothing we can do to stop it. I don't really think it's us at all, because the poles used to be rainforests, and if it managed to freeze, it can unfreeze without any major problems, except that humans are now overpopulating the earth, so we're having to find a way of dealing with it. Global warming is natural, and yes greenhouse gases are real, and do contribute, but there was a time when there was no oxygen on earth, and only small algae were about, so it must have been prety hot then, yet it made no difference, if anything it sped up evolution...
  13. Haz

    Good Dvds

    Series 7: The Contenders Film about a bunch of random people who have to kill each other in this random town. Battlwe Royal but with Americans and less of them, such a good film. No one has seen it though...
  14. Haz

    Good Dvds

    Full Metal Jacket. Easily my favourite film of the moment.
  15. In for free trials bike! Edit: Oh, wait...
  16. Wait, wait, wait; is fatty going to get some tomorrow?
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