Global warming != everywhere getting sunnier/hotter It doesn't really work like that, whilst the average temperature of the planet will rise, it all depends where you are on the planet, and the UK is actually pretty lucky considering were on the same latitude as most of central Russia and southern Canada. The best theory I have read about was that global warming was caused by the increased number of sun spots at the moment, and that these sun spots were firing more radtiation further into space, which in turn heats our planet more, so infact there is nothing we can do to stop it. I don't really think it's us at all, because the poles used to be rainforests, and if it managed to freeze, it can unfreeze without any major problems, except that humans are now overpopulating the earth, so we're having to find a way of dealing with it. Global warming is natural, and yes greenhouse gases are real, and do contribute, but there was a time when there was no oxygen on earth, and only small algae were about, so it must have been prety hot then, yet it made no difference, if anything it sped up evolution...