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Everything posted by laurent

  1. laurent

    New Rim

    Do you know if try all rims flex less than the viz ones under the brake pressure?
  2. guys you are a bit unfair and Manichaean. Rockman maybe make "comp bikes", but regarding the price of a koxx, or other brands, it's not so expensive. Of course, if you aim to bash your bike, a light frame can't handle it. Neither a rockman nor echo control for example. You can't have a light frame and a "bash proof" frame in the same time. (That's why for example the atomz quark 2 will be a bit heavier than the first one.) It's your own choice. That doesn't mean rockman's frames are weak..
  3. I'm currently riding with a rubber queen 2.2. it's damn good. But quite big too even for a 2.2. Thats why i ask. And moreover if a RQ 2.4 fits a 2.2 will too.
  4. Hi every one! I'm thinking about buying a rockman kortz, but i want to use it with a rubber queen tire. Does the rubber queen fit in the rockman kortz frame? Good clearance? Moreover is there known issues with this frame? Thanks...
  5. I think something is wrong with your eyes Cédric Fontenoy have started to ride almost the same frame a long time before the kortz was released. But indeed this integrated bash doesn't seem to be very effective on missed side hop for example.
  6. Shit! But thanks though... Whatever it's cool! Because a 2.4 rubber queen is not very necessary, it's a bit too wide...and heavy
  7. I'm very surprised, because, mine seems to have an harder compound than my front speed king with black chili compound. And last time i checked the conti website the rubber queen 2.2 was "officially" not available in black chili. And for the record it's indeed a 2.2 fold tire... Strange.... Do you know something about it?is this possible? is there out there 2.2 without black chili compound...
  8. two things: - Looking at continental websites you will see that the 2.2 rubber queen is not made with the black chili compound! So i'm about 90% sure that this tire is not made with it! If someone can prove it's made of black chili compound, put here a quote on the conti website.... - The rubber queen 2.2 is perfect like that! There are no apex inserts, but there is no need in it! It will just add weight. The rubber queen 2.2 is for me the perfect tire if you are interested in saving weight. Just inflate your tire more and it will be ok without anything like apex. For those who like to ride at low pressure, this tire will be shit, because it's high and not so wide, so it will fold easily . Moreover this tyre seems to wear out less than balck chili compound tires. Being enough grippy For me it's the best tires so far....
  9. laurent

    Rockman Bikes News

    Seeing a lot of new rockman stuffs, i am wondering... There will be a kortz 2 soon? Thanks
  10. About the Ti headset, it seems they made Ti headset just for making Ti parts. It's a nonsense this part being heavier than the previous. But i think Ti sprockets is a great idea! Moreover i would like they have made sl caged pedal with several colors as the Tr ones
  11. BB7 i for sure as good as a hope trial in term of bite and locking power. The weak point of the bb7 is the weight (and if it's the only heavy part of your bike it's not an issue) and maybe the modulation which is not so good. Anyways, everybody out there knows that the bb7 is THE cheaper alternative to the hope. Buying everything else than a hope , a bb7 or maybe a magura louise could probably be a waste of money.
  12. Nice graphics! But it's a shame they don't use integrated chain tensionners as they did on the kortz.
  13. i read somewhere about this handlebar, i think it was on observedtrials..... I think it's a eastern european brand but i'm not sure... Maybe somone here know something about it. It's better to know a bit about it before bying these kind of handlebar i think.
  14. http://www.trialprod.com/catalog/product_i...products_id=427 Any information about this brand: MIST Location, any other products??? Website? This handlebar seems interesting but not knowing about this brand i'm not very confident. Thanks guys
  15. i hope caged pedal will not crack like the try-all ones... Pretty interesting with the Ti axle.....
  16. Eno is known as the more reliable freewheel. We know it's a very strong freewheel, with high quality material. I had one for five years of intensive use and it's still working good. Some skips, like 50 in five years...do the math.... If you don't want to waste money buy one. The "new" echo can be good, but it hasn't been used enough to say it's as reliable as the eno.
  17. It mostly looks like your rear brake is shit....sorry....but it doesn't seems so powerful. But nice place to ride and quite pleasant to watch your riding.
  18. no one actually uses this setup? bb7 + rockman rotor? Please...
  19. The problem could be the integrated brake booster. I wouldn't bet on it either if you don't want to waste money. I use à rubber queen 2.2 (not wider, but higher than the 2.4), and i had to take off a piece of the integrated brake booster. Weird, considering the fact that this same tyre have a good clearance near the bottom bracket......stupid deng frames...but cool frame though..
  20. I guess it'll be the better solution for ultimate performance, but like i said i'm looking for lighweight, even if bb7 and lightweight don't fit very well.
  21. I did do that, and since i'm living in the mountain, no need too search for a hill . I know it take a certain time, but clearly, there are out there some very efficient rotors, and les efficient rotors.... That's why i'm asking if someone use a bb7 with the rockman rotor. My main issue, is not to make my viz brake working good, but to know if the rockman works as well as the original with the bb7. Cause it's the ligther rotor.
  22. Weird.... Mine, takes only one ride with avid rotor, putting some water on it. BUT my question, is do the rockman rotor is efficient with bb7? Cause i'm more interested in lightweight.....but without a loss of power.
  23. About 3 rides of 2 hours each.... So..about 6 hours of riding... A lot more time than my current avid rotor needs.
  24. Hi everyone! Can you tell me if the rockman disk brake rotor works as well as the standard avid bb7 "roundagon" rotor? With the avid bb7 of course! Because once i tried a viz sheephead, and my bb7 was really less efficient. Thanks
  25. The neon one is certainly the stronger, due to the m12 axle. So if you want somtehing to last, take it. If you want something lighter take the try all, smooth and it's seems to be the lightest one.
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