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Everything posted by MikeCottTrials

  1. you can buy some off ebay or you can look out for places that might have it and ask someone there
  2. ive heard bad things but it might just be 1 off
  3. Whats all this fudge cake about it being hard to tap to back wheel with a high BB?
  4. christ the more i see the adamant the more i love that sexy beast. the only thing i would say is id like to see it in sliver, only in black is depressing. if they started selling em in silver it would help people like me cos im shit and i scratch the f**k out of my frames, actually my cranks take the most hammer but it would annoy me getting scratches on a black frame. By the way what forks you got on there Ben@hulltrials?
  5. what is this foolishness about a base? obviously the t-raptor is the best otherwise why would a buy one
  6. Shindigs are ok but you may aswell get v8's there lighter and i think a bit cheaper
  7. By the way does anyone have a little clip of themselves tapping so i can see, obviously ive seen tapping in full vids but not as clear as i wouldve liked
  8. ROTFL nice view accept you cant lurch/pedal kick yet
  9. you may be onto something there i noticed hulltrialser does that, not sure kind of how you go about it. but come the weekend il try lifting the bike instead of pushing it forward
  10. thats an impressive edit when i clicked the link i was laugh cos i thought itd be shite but fooking hell you should be a special effects guy, someone has to make these crazy movies like King Kong
  11. i use some 661 comp(i think) gloves and theyve been awesome seen me through my whole dirt jumping phase and my trials upto now. but my mums got me some fox gloves for my bday so we'll see how they go
  12. yeah ive seen you do it, your really sick at it, i aimed low cos i thought it would be easier to learn on but il try 5 instead of 4 but ive gotta say 5 looks a shit load bigger than 4. lol if i try to break my measly forks then i think theyll snap clean in half.
  13. its downloading quite slow but im sure its a good vid. keep going with the trialsing man power to the trials
  14. definately a good starter bike me and my mate both got em. he's snapped his but it was used (2004 version, alot weaker than 05) when he got it and he got insanely good really fast. im at about average learning rate but mines new 05, and is doing me fine. by the way id get the 05 its very slightly heavier than 04 but is still a very light bike, the extra weight comes from reinforcements exactly where my mate snapped his. plus if it wasnt any good why would chris akrigg ride one for ages before his dumb move to mongoose
  15. you realise blue pallets are quite alot bigger than normal ones 3 is definately more than 26" thx for your replies guys from what you sed i think i was doing it right just that i havent practiced enough
  16. basically i was trying to tap 4 blue pallets today which i think is just over your handlebars, but i just couldnt get the height also i felt when i tapped it that i was to close or i just seem to be to far back to get on it. has anyone else had this problem and managed to solve it? i just started thinking when i got home maybe i should try physically pushing my front wheel into the wall instead of just starting slightly later. does that sound right to anyone
  17. is it possible your worse than chavs. no actually ive got it a big baby 'i can do bigger sidehops so whats the point in you, im not an idiot or a dickhead no you shut up' oh and nice sidehop mate opposite is difficult
  18. mine was this quite small tap basically i was running onza cage pedals an when i hit the wall both my feet flew forward and landed on top of the wall but me and my bike went down i replaced the pedals with the trusty v8's before i next rode.
  19. Used to play xbox all the time, still play ocassionally but its not that fun compared to going out and risking your life
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