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Everything posted by MikeCottTrials

  1. hm i dont know, theres the obvious ones like cls and tunnicliffe. il wait and see what everyone else says
  2. ive got a ronnie and its more than i could ask for. well actually maybe its not more than i could ask for, an invincible wheel which could fly and make milkshakes would be nice
  3. check out waynes bike (zoo pitbull) hes got a grind and it feels like sex
  4. i think youll find tarty bikes sells maguras now
  5. ive never had to pay more for my bike
  6. obviously a lot of places shut there doors a few days before christmas
  7. ive got to say those zips are looking mighty fine
  8. trouble is you see ive only had a very short go on one 20" so im nervous about spending money on it
  9. at the moment i ride an onza t-raptor but im a bit of a short arse 5ft5 ish so i was thinking maybe a mod would be better for me. what do you guys think? also has anybody else switched from stock to mod? and got and feedback for me
  10. i had exactly the same problem but i didnt have a decent drill so i just went through one of the other holes
  11. not quite sure what to make of that. at first you seem really crap with the sidehop an all but then you do some reasonable stuff toward the end, my advice film more stuff and edit out the crap
  12. Sounds good, i was thinking about getting a mod but i think itl be a wierd change going from stock to mod. Merry chuffing christmas
  13. im not getting an biking stuff for crimbo but i was thinking of buying an echo control stem and some echo/zoo bars once TB or SB opens up again. anyone know when that is by the way?
  14. id love to have some pallets in my room itd be amazing and maybe id nail that sidehop ive been tryin for ages
  15. why do people like hearing about the pain of other riders?
  16. ive been riding since august and the biggest ive nailed is probably 6 and a half foot
  17. ok its coming up to christmas its to wet to ride i dont wanna spend much money but i need something to do any ideas? i thought about getting some pallets in my room but since its only 3 foot by about 4 foot with my bed in aswell it would be a tight squeeze
  18. cant believe its another mod rider, but good luck
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