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Everything posted by MikeCottTrials

  1. just wondering if its possible to get 15 tooth cog for the rear or if you have to choose between 14 or 16 Edit: also where would i get them
  2. Has anyone got a real pic of it? im liking what i see and its only 1060 (good for me im a shorty). also does anyone know how much it weighs?
  3. Thats some good advice, i think il go to freetown and get some helmets on WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT mmuuhhahahahaa!
  4. As the title says . the main reason for this topic is because im thinking of buying a helmet so lets hear it
  5. Yeah but i reckon i might ruin my expensive rim, id rather just swing a knife about for a few days while i slowly cut my hands to shreds
  6. what do you mean by stanley knife, just cut the rim right round it
  7. They should make one that you order online, like you subscribe then they print them for you. that way they wont waste money. i bet if they advertised on here almost everyone would subscribe, i know i would
  8. Guys i know its probably already been said, so dont say search etc just tell me here. Has anyone ever tried to grind their rim with hand tools? because i havent got access to an angle grinder. all ive got is a load of tools in the shed . if anyone has any other ideas then speak up, any info will be appreciated
  9. Sounds good, but i think il stick to a religion called TRIALS you may get hurt, you may ache at the end of the day but god damn it, its worth it
  10. at the moment its looking like the day of the adamant
  11. Oh so its like that is it. all i wanted was a few opinions
  12. c'mon guys, hasnt anyone else got any advice/opinion
  13. Cant really help you but from what ive heard monty is a good choice
  14. Its coming up to the time where i'm going to have to make a decision on what frame i'm getting. so i'd like you guys just to tell me what you think about looks, ride, etc. at the moment i'm leaning towards the adamant but i could swing either way . http://tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=211 http://tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=69 Also does anyone know if a Truvative giga pipe dh bb 118mm would fit in either
  15. i knew it was bull but i couldnt resist . lets just say nothing happened
  16. Not bad . but when your going for a drop try to take your time about it (couple more hops) it just looks smoother also when your lurching (pedal kick) keep your arms bent, it gives you more control. other than that its all good
  17. Does anyone know whats up with Neiltunnicliffe.co.uk? i remember that thingy that says neiltunnicliffe.co.uk launching early 2005 popping up around 04 (i think). is it just not happening any more or is it still in the works http://www.neiltunnicliffe.co.uk/
  18. ar, the age old question mod or stock? there is no answer, is the top and bottom of it, its just down to your personal riding style
  19. No way thats like saying just cut your dick off and use your finger
  20. thats good to know mate. btw i was thinking of getting an adamant a1 and im into me taps, gaps and stuff like that, so thats a good bit of info
  21. Thats a great idea, dont know why i didnt think of that, oh wait, THERE AINT NONE ROUND HERE BOY!!!
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