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Euro Braker

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Everything posted by Euro Braker

  1. What are the 1st 2 songs on ryan leech's MANIFESTO?
  2. Someone that I ride with used to have 1 but he cracked it and got it under warrenty and cracked it again (think he cracked 3 different mads). He is now riding a Zoo Pitbull and I dont think he would recomend a M.A.D
  3. I have a bad ankle through riding. Somehow my ankle gets in the chain and it saws chunks out of it. Painfull but not as bad as what ive seen in this topic. Apart from that I rarely damage myself falling off.
  4. I was told there is a 2 year shortage of carbon fibre due to all those bigger planes being built.
  5. Greatstone. There is one bench and a 2foot wall (if that ). Really Folkestone is good and Dover.
  6. There is instructions on http://www.trashzen.com/
  7. Not really an advert but a remake of the C4 dancing advert. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=95...47919&q=2cv
  8. The break spelling you require is BRAKE.
  9. I had sort of the same problem on my zona so I built a tensioner. I have the chain tugs in for display purposes only
  10. :$ I run onza cranks on my zona but they seen to be holding out at the moment. :$ I have upgraded the chainring though because the other one wouldnt fit and was wack.
  11. I like but not the white rim tape and front tyre. Gold stickers will make it look better but black frame will make it immence.
  12. I heard Onza were making copy frames like the Zip is a copy of the Python and more. But Onza didnt want them to be called Onza (dunno why) so all copy frames Onza will make will be called Zona.
  13. Wouldnt it be disrespectful riding a momorial and all
  14. The green cranks rule. Keep them and dont let the nubies change your mind.
  15. I heard the water freezes in cold. I would use the magura oil or hydraulic fluid personally.
  16. I have the same problem. I have Creepy Crawlers and I find with a bit of pressure (25-30psi) I still rim out. I came to the conclusion I have a too thin rim (38mm)
  17. Is there any way of removing the dark grey stickers?
  18. Experiment with colours. Go on photoshop or go into a B&Q and get some of those colour charts and choose that way.
  19. The dates we are going are 27th May to the 30th May. Could I arange to meet one of you guys or sumthing there if possible to show us around. My msn addy is Ipeefreely2@hotmail.co.uk
  20. I wish offers came up like that for me
  21. Looks nice but how did you remove the stickers? Looks sooo much nicer!!
  22. I am planning to go to Thriftwood with a few mates at the end of May and Im wondering if it is open then, if there is an entry fee and any rules/problems with the place. Is it ment to be a good place to ride and will I be able to ride there as I heard it was for pros. Thanks
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