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Martin Grainger

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Everything posted by Martin Grainger

  1. oooh, i liked the video, liked it how it was so effortless at times with so much style on big stuff and there are 3 choices to download from, hard to complain.
  2. The riders look good but the parts are just the same as everything else at the moment. Will like to see the Videos... ...did you notice on the pictures how all the pics with other riders in the background all had the Zhibike bits
  3. Joe, is there an age restriction for how old you have to be be unacompanied by an adult?
  4. Good vid, but i felt the video was just about to 'kick off'. I understand it was all filmed in one day though.
  5. Really like the frame on its own but the bike would look a bit nicer with different forks and a lower stem (i recon). Realy liked the video aswell
  6. When did wheeler post it? This is the first ive seen of this ride.
  7. Theres some of him in competition with the koxx team on observedtrials.net
  8. Just got used to my bike and then it came naturally after learning balance.
  9. Feck me i shat my self and ran away! ...wasnt expecting that...
  10. Theres sooooo much less CNC bits on the A2 compared to the A1 if you look on the adamant website.
  11. I think it may be because most people might of bought them from tarty bikes instead of super cyles.
  12. Not relly videos but they are clips on www.monty.es then on multimedia.
  13. would say good video but im having difficulties downloading of off mega-upload can anyone put it on TV.ISG.Si please
  14. Yeah, Ali C put them on NMC a while ago and they are fooking awsome.
  15. I have on-one, but i think any will do the job.
  16. Amazing video, loving the massive ramp ups
  17. Is there going to be a lot of footage from him on his T-Raptor on the DVD? Wicked riding!
  18. Wicked, Loved the pegless icepicks by mikey aitken.
  19. Do you mean 3D graphics sort of thing or is that something different?
  20. Has anyone heard anymore on the new onza 20" (Ben Slinger)?
  21. Yeah, I have Zoo bars and really like 'em. Dont think it wil be too hard to change to different bars but i HATE try-all bars, too flat.
  22. 20"? Echo Rear rim (CNC or 06 drilled) ON A Echo cassette hub (cheaper then a profile!) WITH Mutiny BMX spokes :P - would be my ideal rear wheel
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