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Ashley Smith

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    ashley smith
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Trials King (4/9)



  1. best option is to spark it out, but obviously that isnt an option, so i would drill it, as a last resort id try to shatter, the problem with that though is that it might push the tap further down the thread causing more damage.
  2. removing a broken tap is no problem at all, providing you use the correct equipment,its something i do on a day to day basis. in your case you need to use a carbide centre drill, followed by a carbide drill bit, preferably a spade drill, you need to run both of these at quite high speed, once youdrill a gole through the broken bit of tap, it would be possible to shatter the outer parts of the remaining tap and it should fall from the thread, the other option which you have is to shatter the tap with a good punch and a big hammer. relatively easy for someone with basic engineering skills, try your local engineering firms, they'l get it out no problem at very little cost. ash
  3. get an engineering firm to make some adapters
  4. is evrything still ok for the kamel matey?

  5. is everhting still ok for the kamel matey?

  6. whats happened to this forum????
  7. The new trial brake with post mounts will mean using an adapter iso to post ....................................... the new trials brake is also using the lever from the new race brake, couple to a moto calliper, nothing wrong with the current trial brake imo.
  8. not a bad idea, i might go machine some of the pedal body away on mine i seem to remember someone like tryall making pedals like this, or maybe it was vincent or someone who was just hacking away at theirs. ash
  9. we made one last year, something me owen and wayne had been working on, ive got a 116 spaced fixed rear hope hub on the monty, we also made a baby pro 2, never got round to making any more due to other projects. maybe in the future? ash
  10. Light oil This is what hope use in the trials hubs now. The grease was slowing down the action of the spring and pawl. Clean the grease out and add a bit of oil
  11. try phoning hope, im unsure if they still do the custom rotors.
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