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    Mike Sanderson
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Trials Newbie

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  1. http://www.raleigh.co.uk/bikedetails.aspx?ID=64 http://www.raleigh.co.uk/bikedetails.aspx?ID=65 Hi, found these. ae they the bikes your mate was on about?
  2. Its either to much cheese before you went to bed or LSD! lol, good read though.
  3. Some Quality MOTOR HEAD (not Ace of Spades!) or some goood Hip-Hop (no pun intended) like Jurassic 5 or some of the new Mike Shinoda from linkin park stuff (had to get linkin park in here some where)
  4. DH riding came into contact with a tree at 35-40mph and shatered my pelvis http://www.pinkbike.com/modules/photo/?op=viewℑ=348924 as the lines are brakes! out of action for 3 months.
  5. Thanks every oe that has responded! A while ago i saw a frame with a twin top tube that went all the way to the rear wheel so in affect being the top tube and seat stays at the same time. does any one know what it is? its really bugging me! Cheers, Mike.
  6. If your not riding a long way or any real distance a Maxxis High Roller (super tacky) on the wrong way at the rear works really well it grips everything, even if you dont want it to.
  7. I'm scared of Shatering my pelvis again (see below): http://www.pinkbike.com/modules/photo/?op=viewℑ=348924 Didnt do it riding trials but DH (tree at 35-40mph) in traction for 4 months Stick to trials far safer!
  8. I made a chain device for my DH bike out of a beer can and tape, got me through the race with out droping the chain.
  9. Hi mate if you go to www.dtswiss.com they have a spoke calcululator (its at the bottom left of the home page) just follow all the instructions, it looks really complicated but it isn't then find the nearest spoke to what it comes out with. Mike.
  10. The Bearing in your BB have gone it happens, take it to your LBS and they will get it out in second, you can take one of there options with BB: option 1: spend a little replace alot option 2: spend a bit more replace the same amount option 3: spend alot (relatively) and get a life time warranty and they replace option 3 is the best but you have to have the money for it. hope this helps. Mike.
  11. Ok Dont like the Vario, but ill look at the GU. What Paint scheme would you suggest? I Like Chrome with a colour to compliment it (like the ZOO with the green) Thanks for the ideas again.
  12. Yeah i do agree performance is the main factor but, they have a well established team and place in the market. So i thought they may of come up with some sexy new frame different from all the rest for '06.
  13. Hi Guys/GIrls, I'm looking to get a new 26" frame, I have got around £400 to spend so what do you guys think i should get, but heres the SNAG im a bit of a show off and it has to look real good! so what do you rate for STYLE as well as performance? Cheers. Mike.
  14. No i agree but they ddo make a difference, even if its attention to detail around the CNC'd areas they just look like they have not bothered to think about it at ALL! i just think that they have let them selves down. Again my view.
  15. What about there frames, they all seem to be very BLAND! I mean that the £300 frame looks the same as the £1250 frame, and if you compare them to other bikes at similar prices you can get alot nicer looking bikes with a better attention to detail! just my views.
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