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Everything posted by Bigman

  1. HAHAHAHHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Serves u right Nick, tis all your fault :D b*****d for having such a good place for riding outside your front door :P Adam
  2. Ideal, i will be leaving here at 11, just so i have plenty of time to find places. My mobile number is 07970176556, could someone please give me a call when they are on there way to say where we will be meeting, as i have no one elses number, it could get hard. Adam
  3. Right, i guess this ride is still going on tomorow, i just want to know what the plans are, like when and where we meeting etc, as i have never been there before tis gunna be interesting. Adam
  4. HAHAHAHHAHAHAH i just walk out the back door of my Uni house Nick, got a path outside, i just grind it on there, extension lead from the kitchen, Jobs a goodun. Yeh, i would try and do it in the Uni workshops, i get wierd looks when i go out the back of my house with a grinder and my wheel, tis abit load at 9am on a saturday morning :P ah well...... Adam PS: U live in a shit Halls :) they are nothing compared to my Uni house.....
  5. Yeh, prawn i think it is that your grinder runs to fast, slow the bugger down and see what happens, u know what sort of grinds my grinder produces, BEASTS thats what..... Also tis your queer grinding style, In my opinion, like i have said to your before :) Adam PS: your bike looks FOOKIN GORGEOUS :P
  6. Yeh, i think i will deffiantly be coming, got no where else to ride on sunday, hope it is a reasonably good spot :P Adam
  7. From the album: Bigmans pics

    A shit joined together pic showing my room at college, bigger than most other rooms u find in Universty accomadation.
  8. Yes, i am at Uni, a place in shropshire called Harper Adams, tis near Shrewsbury, which i belive is only about 1 hout ish from chester. Adam
  9. I may be interested in riding chester at the weekend, i am only just over an hour away, what is the riding like there??? Adam
  10. Steve, u should be reciving a PM about this...... Adam
  11. :'(--> QUOTE(joe b @ Nov 15 2005, 08:29 PM) ← Good pictures matey! :D :P Theres a right line in that last picture from the post up to front on the bin, thatd be good! Cheers, Joe. It's been done Joe (Y) Adam
  12. I am guessing that the place is near Matlock Quarry, if so, i would recomend there, massive quarry, loads of riding and it is all on hard surfaces as it is an old tarmac quarry. I may try and get there if my car is all good (Y) Adam
  13. Yeh. i was pleased with the way that they turned out Rob, Wheelswap ones look awsome, i am realy pleased with them. Keep the coments coming..... Adam
  14. Um, where is your new home town James????? Glad u guys like the pics, they are from a shitty little digi cam my sister lent me whilst i am at uni, unfortuanly they are not off a video camera :lol: Adam
  15. Me and Rob had a little ride in Ludlow yesterday, here are the pics that were taken from the ride (mostly of me): Rob, Little Drop: Bigman, preloading for smallish Gap: Rob Up wall: Bigman, Line up for Rail swap: Bigman, After wheel swap: Rob, Prealoding for Big gap: Bigman, Lineing up for sidehop: Bigman, Mid sidehop: Bigman, Sidehop complete: Bigman, Preload for 10ft static: Bigman, Mid 10ft static: Bigman, Bin wheelswap: Bigman, On bin, after wheelswap: Just a little pic to show the size of that Bin wheelswap :lol: Hope the pics have turned out ok, Please leave any coments that your wish. Adam
  16. BASTARDS!!!!!!! i so wish i could afford the trip down to Porthcawl on sunday, would be awsome. Ah well, i will be down south over Crimbo again (Y) Adam
  17. That looks very nice Joe, Could you do me a few favours please????? Could you measure the distance from the centre of the BB to the centre of the top of the headtube (ie the reach) also, what is the actual WB, is it 1100 measured???? Thanks Adam
  18. Mark: Yes i will deffiantly be keeping people posted on how well it holds a grind, i am running a set of koxx greens which are quite hard, so i will see how the grind lasts. Tom: Like said above, i am running koxx greens, and with this rim the brake seems to be pretty much as good as it was on the ronnie, which is a good thing. The RB blade i removed as it was pissing me off due to the adjuster always winding itself off, and also on the BT it feels abit spongey with that blade on, if i get a czar frame i may put it back on again :( Adam
  19. Righty then, today had a loverly parcel waiting for me at my college's post collection, a nice shinny new Silver Echo 48mm rim and spokes. After all my lectures i got home and swiftly got it out and marvelled at how much bigger it was than my current Ronnie, once the ronnie was de-built i squared them up and there was such a difference in the size between them, the holes on the echo were almost as wide as the ronnie itself, The sidewall width is also much thicker than i have seen on any other rim before, which can't be a bad thing, especialy with what echo were claiming for with this rim. The rim seemed very well made, there was no gap at the join like you would expect from a rim such as a koxx. The holes were also finnished very well, no sharp bits left on like i found on my ronnie. Once i had had a quick look,i built the wheel, the rim seemed to build very nicely, just as easily as my ronnie did, but better than a koxx rim, it also built very true which was nice. Now it is all built, time to add the final touch, and nice grind, it seemed to grind much like a DX32 which in my experience is not a bad thing as they hold grinds very well, the sidewall is not as deep as a Ronnie but setting the brake up was easy enough, although on the BT i had to push the pistons all the way out in the mounts, even though i did this there would still be plenty of room for new pads to fit. The ride, at the moment i have only had a quick 1 hour piss around in the local small town so i can only give a few little impressions, Stability wise you can deffiantly tell that the rim is wider than the ronnie, it feels much more stable on the backwheel than before, this is with lower tyre pressures too. It is also very noticable on side slopes that it is a wide rim, as there is no tyre fold like you would expect from a narrower rim at the same pressure (around 20psi) At this pressure the backend felt nice and springy which felt very nice for sidehops. The tyre doesn't rim out either, as i was trying to hammer it into a few walls to see what would happen. Like i say, these are only first impressions and i will be keeping check with the rim over the time i have it to see how it handles different situations etc, but first impressions seem promising. Adam
  20. Sorry, got the wrong idea, Thanks for clearing that up Phil. Adam
  21. Bigman

    The Awaited

    A pic that Seb forgot to add, Me gapping from the white wall to the white wall, twas abit on the large side of things (Y) But look at my feet position, well wierd.... Adam
  22. Yes, but there was always Selectbikes between Deng and Tartybikes, and i presume Bikedock too, as selectbikes was the sole importer, meaning other companies had to buy the frames/parts etc off him, which pushed the price up, now the stuff is going direct from deng to the companies like tartybikes and bikedock there is no middleman, so no extra price increase. If u understand what i am saying. Adam
  23. There isn't a single echo importer any more, that is y the prices of the frames etc are so cheap now, deng is supplying straight to the shops, ie Bikedock, Selectbikes and Tartybikes, therefor cutting out the middle man, this may be why they are not on Phil's site as he may wait to put them up when he gets them into stock. I will also be able to review a new echo rim soon, ordered mine today, so hopefully in a few days, once i get back to uni i will build it and see how it goes. Adam
  24. Bigman

    The Awaited

    Awsome Pics there Seb, like seb said, that move of peters was MAD, i could not belive he made it. One thing seb, u got that pic u took of me doing that hefty gap between the 2 white walls???? HEHE, u can see i was in fancy dress, unlike every other person there (except Rob) Adam
  25. I am not sure if there is any of us actualy in full dress, as during the ride parts of our outfits got removed and discarded due to being to hot to ride in etc, also i think i removed my belt and sword before any cameras arrived (Y) Adam
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