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Everything posted by Bigman

  1. I am glad u guys have liked the vid, the music was just abit of an experiment realy. Lego, I am not affraid of showing me falling off, it is all part of riding and everybody does it. Thanks guys. Adam
  2. I find wheelswaping small stuff hard, like it has been said above, try something slightly higher, i say start on something just under wheel height, i used to be able to do just over wheel height on my monty urban, 1040mm WB yeh, hehe..... Any how, when i wheel swap i get sideways to the object, so that my bad foot is against the wall i am swapping, this reduces the amount of forwards movement i have to apply, meaning u can consentrate on the upwards thrust more. Another thing i find that helps is to not apply the rear brake while the rear wheel is on the floor, this means that when u preload the wheel rolls slightly alowing the forks to flex and then return, which provides added boost to the upwards movement, as they sort of spring u upwards. As for the keeping on the back wheel, i find that when i do wheel swap my weight does get quite far over the back of my bike, i have never realy had much of a problem with this, but i think if u try on a higher well u will find it easier as your weight will naturaly be further back on the bike. The pic below shows the position i am on the bike when i am swapping a wall: Before swapping...... On top of the object....... The wall in the pic is 34 inchs, this was quite big, until i went riding in ludlow and pulled off a completely static 36.5 inch swap, held it to back wheel too Hope that helped slightly Adam
  3. Glad u guys enjoyed it, I am surprised about every one saying i have improved, as i do not feel i have ah well. Thanks Adam
  4. Now on Engodildo......... Linky... Adam
  5. i am in the process of trying to upload it else where Adam
  6. Glad u like it joe, As far as i know, no clips were repeated Adam
  7. This is my new Vid, just to use up some footage from over the christmass holidays being back from uni, and the first footage of me on my new control The vid was shot in Truro, the street parts, and Pendennis point in falmouth for the natural. It is 3.24 mins long, and 36mb. The track used is by Simply Cryptic which is a group of guys, one of which is my good friend Rob Clarke (rathergoodpie on here), i realy like there stuff and thought this may go well on a vid. Link: tv.isg link, Bigmans 2nd Vid So there u go, have a watch, tell me what u think...... Adam
  8. I have yet to find any where good for trials in shropshire, I am at Uni at Harper Adams near Newport, and it is soooooooooooooo crap, i do not get half the practice i do when i am back here in cornwall. Shrewsbury seems ok, but there is alot of riding between each of the places.......... Not ridden Telford, but i think there are a few cool spots, but there is a big police station near to them if i remember......... As Joe said, Birmingham is damn good, i enjoy it there, and i can get there in under an hour easily from Uni, so i ride there quite often.......... If u head north abit up to Wrexham, it is pretty good there i have been told, PM CraigDavies as he lives there and may know the good spots.......... I will be back at Uni after the 8th of Jan, so feel free to contact me about riding any time, as i am usualy up for it, need to keep practicing whilst up there Adam
  9. I would deffinatly recomend an Echo control, i have the 05 1085WB version, i have changed to it from a BT6 with a 40mm bB rise and i prefer the echo by miles, just feels as if it has the perfect geometry..... Adam
  10. Like the title says, i need Calebs Adress if any body has it. Thanks Adam
  11. My Echo control, now with Zoo risers, and avid 203mm front disc....... Enjoy.... Adam
  12. Bigman

    New Game.....

    Right, i have been very bored, and made up this game, Basicaly u type your name into a google image search, and find a pic of a person with the same name as you, then... put your face onto the body of the person....... here is my attempt, the name etc was already there on the pic, i just added my head Edited my pic now, due to some of the quality entrys... Right, lets see how it goes...... Adam. PS: this could end up shite, but ah well.....
  13. Bigman

    New Bt Video

    This is an awsome vid, got to be one of my favourite vids out at the moment, tis soo cool, awsome choice of music too. Adam
  14. What a Vid, i would deffiantly recomend every one downloads it now...... That big drop gap in plymouth doesn't look as big on camera, in person, it is HUGE, fookin silly. Adam
  15. Who said it was 10ft dave????? twas 7ft10 didn't make it though, GRRRRRR i was abit knackered at that point in the ride. Awsome pics though dude. Adam
  16. Dog S*it, HA, thats nothing, i have ridden into my yard before, and gone through a masooooove pile of horse s*it, same goes for cow dung, tis all horrible stuff to get on youe bike. Adam
  17. 26inch: WB: 1085mm CS: 375mm BB: +20 HA: 72deg Pretty similar to my control, but with a slightly steeper head angle, giving abit mroe cockpit room Adam
  18. Bigman

    Monty Girls

    ME ME ME, i will be August Adam
  19. A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY goin out to my homeboy Dave on his 18th today even though i thought he was older than that ah well. Adam
  20. To be honest matey, there isn't much point in practicing them, in the rear world of trials there isn't a need for such a move, it is pretty much usless for anything other than show boating....... Adam
  21. Meeting at 11 at Civic centre actualy dude, i am realy looking forward to this ride Adam
  22. I can not wait for this ride, so hyped about it, need to try alot of big stuff i have been meaning to for a while now, hehe, New avid 203mm on the way, for uber front wheel moves Adam
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