I find wheelswaping small stuff hard, like it has been said above, try something slightly higher, i say start on something just under wheel height, i used to be able to do just over wheel height on my monty urban, 1040mm WB yeh, hehe..... Any how, when i wheel swap i get sideways to the object, so that my bad foot is against the wall i am swapping, this reduces the amount of forwards movement i have to apply, meaning u can consentrate on the upwards thrust more. Another thing i find that helps is to not apply the rear brake while the rear wheel is on the floor, this means that when u preload the wheel rolls slightly alowing the forks to flex and then return, which provides added boost to the upwards movement, as they sort of spring u upwards. As for the keeping on the back wheel, i find that when i do wheel swap my weight does get quite far over the back of my bike, i have never realy had much of a problem with this, but i think if u try on a higher well u will find it easier as your weight will naturaly be further back on the bike. The pic below shows the position i am on the bike when i am swapping a wall: Before swapping...... On top of the object....... The wall in the pic is 34 inchs, this was quite big, until i went riding in ludlow and pulled off a completely static 36.5 inch swap, held it to back wheel too Hope that helped slightly Adam