I totaly agree with Nick on this!!! I had a 185 avid BB7 which was stupidly powerful, but having some money i though i would try a hope mono trial 180mm, unfortunatly i found that i was snapping rotors (problem solved now due to different rotors) but the brake was un-predictable, one minute it would be working perfectly and then the next one of the pistons would stick and cause trouble................. So, i got rid of that and got a 203mm avid BB7 and oh my god it is such a good brake, coupled with an XTR lever and cable it feels gorgeous, and as nick said this is adjustable to how u like a brake to feel, so u can match the disc to how your rear brake feels, making a more comfortable ride IMO. The power on the 203mm is much more controllable than the 185mm avid i had before, the 185mm tends to be a much more on/off feel, more bitey where as the 203 is a more gentle power, yet when needed it will lock SOLID. In my oppinion there is nothing out there at the moment that would make me change from my Avid....... Adam