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Everything posted by Bigman

  1. FOOOOK ME Sam, you have improved SOOOOO much it is silly Adam
  2. Anybody up for a ride in Brum on sunday?? i shall be back at uni then and possibly up for a street sesh Adam
  3. Unfortuanly there is not many riders around Truro, there are some cool little spots though (tesco's carpark is pretty cool ) I am no more that 15mins away but i am back off to uni on wednesday. There are a load of riders around the St-Ives area an the riding down that way is good too Adam
  4. Bigman

    Im Back

    Woooo, glad to see u riding again doood gunna have to sort a ride out when i get back to uni. Adam
  5. Yeh, that would be it, but this is MUCH nicer: Adam
  6. Disc on the front is the only Sane option realy Hope rear discs are AWSOME, i am loving my 200mm on my Simtra...... Adam
  7. Bigman


    Recently i have had abit of a bad back, bloody thing has been giving me grief, i blame the caravan bed i had to sleep in when working in wiltshire, the VERY strange thing is that it seems to get better when riding I also have a bad knee, which i got when i knelt on some glass and it went in about 1/2 and inch under my knee, it is still sore now 3 months on hurts when tucking on sidehops Proper things from trials may include my ankles being abit gayed up...... Adam
  8. I am glad everybody is liking the vid, it isn't anything special realy just a few rides around some of the local (ish) spots....... Yeh, the cog dieing was abit harsh, but i am VERY glad it went when it did as i was just going to try the gap to the large rock on the left about 7ft away The song is Gorillaz and El Manana or sumet Adam
  9. Just realised i can not do sunday due to a family thingy, but i can ride saturday afternoon....... Gimme a txt on 07970176556 Adam
  10. That looks very nice dude, it has turned out well Adam
  11. Woooo Happy birthday Em, Have a good day. Adam
  12. That looks the SEX Alex, i love it Adam
  13. This is sounding promising I am not realy a fan of the shape of my hope blades either, but i will have to put up with it for abit longer EDIT: Here are those Dangerboy lever blades, i have seen them before, they look quite nice..... £40 a pair sounds reasonable too, considering hope ones are £18 each....... Adam
  14. I am not quite sure what you mean by trying to hard to be smooth, I was riding like i always do...... Adam
  15. I am realy liking the rear disc actualy, i also had the worries that it may not perfor as well as a magura or Vee but it seems to be just getting better and better the more i ride it, i have only had it a week and it has plenty of hold and locks nicely and is silent which is a bonus Adam
  16. Thaaaaaaaaaanks Mark WOOOOOP that would now be today Once again, thanks everybody Adam
  17. No one else??? It is not anything special but meh Adam
  18. Thanks you, i Wuv you alll Adam
  19. Here is a little vid consisting of some clips from today when i was testing my new camera: It has no music to show the awsome silent double disc Hosted on Engodildo: Lefty clicky Enjoy Adam
  20. Sorry Guys but Adam has guessed correctly, he gets the big hug as soon as i go back to UNI Adam
  21. Possibly me: mmmmmmmm Matching [attachmentid=6708] Woooooo Sking Tight [attachmentid=6709] Adam
  22. Not saying i know where to go though as the one time i rode there i wasn't impressed Could always go to Penzance during one of the day time bits, tis well good there Adam
  23. I will come down, not sure when i can get there though..... i am riding with Ash on Thursday, maybe we shall head down to there instead.......... I will see what i can do. Adam
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