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Everything posted by Bigman

  1. WOOOOOP Click for McDermet (oli's fat welsh bird) Adam PS: Damn u Danny
  2. Hmmmm, maybe i shall join you Adam
  3. I would Alex, i LOVE Joe's it is soooo much fun to ride Adam
  4. Looks awsome Dan, can't wait to have a play over crimbo Adam
  5. Bigman

    Pimp My Mbk

    That looks SOOOO nice!!! Adam
  6. Bigman


    Cool vid Andy, but how come Joe was riding your bike?? Oh, and it is Andrew Pooley Adam
  7. My new Trailstar: [attachmentid=7735] [attachmentid=7736] Only built on the cheap, but it turned out well. Adam
  8. Right, after that title you will all be expecting a different trials frame, BUT HA that would be a big nono Here is what the fuss is about: [attachmentid=7733] [attachmentid=7734] Spec: DMR trailstar frame Marazochi 03 Z1 dropoffs 130mm Azonic single wall bars and shorty stem Front and rear 203mm avids with SD7 levers (lost a pad hence why only a rear at the moment) Truvativ hussefelt cranks with bash and 32t ring, probs soon a 22t and shifter DMR DV rims built to revolver hubs and moto digger tyres Welgo pedals XTR rear mech This is my get to college/fun bike, didn't cost that much, £400ish i think......... I think i may need to get a 185 rear rotor as the 203 is a tad close to the frame for my liking. Hope you guys like, i certainly do!!! Adam
  9. Beautiful dude, i was wondering who it was in the latest NBR vid on the XTP...... Adam
  10. I will be there, whatever the weather!!!!!!!! Bringing Joe and Adam with me....... Adam
  11. Been waiting for this!!!!!! After seeing the clips u sent me i am looking forward to it EDIT: Awsome Dan, few new clips there! that quarry place looks like LOADS of fun! Adam
  12. BUUUUUUGGGGGGER just realised the date, i can't go driving home for bonfire night..... Ah well Adam
  13. I will be there, i could possibly provide somwhere to people to sleep if they wanted to come, i also only live about 40mins from there Adam
  14. The 26inch, is that a 135mm rear end version or the 110mm?? they do look tasty Adam
  15. Anyone who says "this pads is awsome, with TAR" is fooking stupid (excuse the language) but even a magura standard black pad will work with tar!!!!!!! Get rid of that dastardly stuff and get a grind on the go! Adam
  16. Don't go raceface Joe! It will die quicker than a shimano, stick with either a UN52 like u had in there or go for a UN72 which is very similar but it has a steel non-driveside cup (where as the un52 is plastic) and a fully hollow axle, which doesn't affect the strength. Adam
  17. Bigman

    Gear Ratio's

    yes, but if u read my post you would see that i don't want such a small setup due to chansnapping issues! Adam
  18. Bigman

    Pro-mo Promo

    I have met Joe a couple of time now (i think, abingdon DJ ride?) and by no means did i realise you were gay/Bi whatever, infact i never judge anybody when i meet them! I have no problems with people being gay/bi or whatever, people are who they are. It is actualy very hard for me to put my oppinions into words....... For the people who are being open homophobics i think it is time you opened up your eyes and had a good look at how diverse this world is becoming, i mean they even let black people vote now.......... Adam PS: only joking about the black thing, i am not racist!!!
  19. Bigman

    Gear Ratio's

    yeh, i see what you mean James, i think i do get on better with the slightly easier gear, i think i shall put it back on and just get to work on my technique more! After having all summer out of riding pretty much it is a b*****d to get techniques back...... Adam
  20. Bigman

    Gear Ratio's

    yes, but 18-15 is even harder than 20-17........ Adam
  21. Right, i was just wondering what the tendancy these days are for gear ratios, i have been riding 20-18 for a while and found it real nice for natural and static moves eg: sidehops and gaps, but i found that i could not seem to pedal up/tap as well as i used to. No i have gone back to 20-17 and it feels REALY hard i know it will take a little time to get used to it and i am hoping it wil help with stuff like taps etc as i used to run 20-17 all the time. Basicaly what i was asking is what sort of ratios i ervybody out there running, and what sort of riding do you do. idealy i recon a gear right in between 20-18 and 20-17 would be asome but i don't want to have to go down to 16-14 (which is pretty central) as i feel i may snap chains. Thanks Adam
  22. Hmnmmmmmm, i may have to journey down for this.......... Adam
  23. Heres a few: Tractor Trailer Ohh Arrrr whoe down(or sumet) Very hard to explain them GOOO FARMER WORLD Adam
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