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Everything posted by Bigman

  1. Um, Why would we want to share bad news with you??? This topic is completely stupid!!! Adam
  2. Hmm, yes i see where u are coming from there Ads, Internal headset, but different headtube to a T-rex, round stays ala coust......... Adam
  3. just realised, this will be the first time i will have been able to ride soton properly snapped my forks last time and the time before i was riding Tic's bike Adam
  4. Looking awsome there Rob, you best report back soon, i want to know what you think, i know that i will be sticking with the vee for a while yet Oh, and Janson, it doesn't bother me to much realy, brake works well so i do not touch it...... Adam
  5. Looks like i may have to attend, seeing as my name is in the title....... Adam
  6. Bigman

    Pad Reviews

    Pads: heatsink vebackings, Joypad blue rubber Brake: Avid ultimate, onza vee adapters, XTR booster, linear slick cable and SD7 lever. Rim used: koxx Grind: yes, light sharp Time used: couple of months total Opinion on a working brake: Decent lock, As much hold as humanly possible, silent Pads used: on the vee: coust, koxx green, on the maggy: koxx brown, green, yellow and red, coust, monty, plaz......... Reveiw... I first got a set of these pads last autumn and put them on my vee and they were awsome, i was running no booster and dewhore arms an they were as loud as any magura i had ever had (don't like loud brakes), they had as much bite as a magura too but loads more hold, it would take alot to make them slip (remember i am 19.5st) but then i changed them to try coust rubber, but i have now gone back to joypads again, they have more bite tha the cousts on my new setup (ultimate, xtr etc) and the hold is stupid, more hold than any brake i have tried, so i am very happy with them Adam
  7. Some cool pics there, i will get some of the ones that joe took put up Ogwen seems awsome, but where we went first, by the carpark opposite the island (didn't ride the island) was SOOOOO slippery! From what Ben said, he has gone to the coust becuase he wanted abit more reach, as the karbon felt shortish........ Adam
  8. Right, recently it has been a tad cold up here in Uni land (my car froze up inside and out!) and my poor icle farmers hands are getting abit cold when riding, so i am looking at getting a set of gloves, i have looked at the XC-ting ones (As ben has them on sale) and like the fact that they have a thin palm, as i do not get along with thick gloves, i like to be able to feel the bars. Has anybody had experience with these gloves? Is there any others that you would recomend? Thanks Adam
  9. Bigman

    What Frame?

    How about a Simtra? 1085wb, +20mm BB, 380mm CS, ride loverly! Although they are not the cheapest of the bunch, which is a bugger but they are different and not many people have them. I realy like mine, it has taken quite a hammering too and it is still perfectly fine, although there is a fairly subsantial dent in the downtube but the way that was put there i am sure no frame would have not dented........ So yeh, i recomend a simtra. Adam
  10. Yup, looks like i shall be there See you guys tomorow morning around 11ish Adam PS: if anybody wants a lift i am able to pick people up as logn ast they are near the A5........
  11. hmmmm, soo tempted, but not sure, google maps recons it is neara 3hr journey from where i am How long does it take you from Oswestry Sam? Adam
  12. Some cool piccies there dude, will have to come back during the day soon, need to get that big rail gap Adam
  13. Looking awsome there Ben. Like alex said, wheres the carbon? Adam
  14. I took around 11hrs of driving lessons before i passed (First time too ), now to the pint similar to Andy where i have been driving for 3.5 years now and (Touch Wood) i have never had an accident, which is nice. Thing is i had already had alot of driving experience, not realy on cars, when i was 17 i had been driving tractors for atleast 8-10 years, and then passed my Tractor driving test when i had just turned 16 which is to allow you to drive on the road (although had been driving them on the road before this time.......). so had been driving tractors on the road for over year before i started driving cars, and i had also been riding a moped around so had experiance of the roads. So as i say to alot of people i was fairly experieced when ti came to taking my test, hence passing first time blah blah...... Adam
  15. Yeh, i thought CRC but i could not see them on the site, but i then realised there was another disc spares section, and i found it there. Therefore i am in no need of help any longer. Thanks Adam
  16. Right, i have a hayes el-camino front brake and recently the pad retention pin fell off, which means i need a new piston, this doesn't bother me as i know they are not expensive, problem is where can i get them from, i know the LBS should deal in that sort of stuff but i will ring them at the last resort. Thanks Adam
  17. Right, this is abot of research for one of my college projects, we are planning on using a disc brake on the rear of a 4 wheeled human powered offroad vehicle, becuase of this we have certian calculations which we need to produce. For these i need the piston sizes (master and slave diameters) which are used on the most common discs, ie magura, hope etc If you could list the maufacturer and then the diameters it would be greatly appriciated. Thanks Adam
  18. Haha, don't you just love re-branding Adam
  19. Hmmm, They look alot like plaz V-fly pads....... Adam
  20. i may be latek, drunk anbti to nihght! DAM
  21. Thats harsh Rich, Since last summer i have had a twinge in my back, i did some excercises which were recomended by Simon (Physio on here) and it help but there is still a small twinge there, strange thing is that as soon as i start riding and am warmed up i have no trouble what so ever, it is strange. I hope it sorts itself out soon Adam
  22. It is strange, becuase most of the stuff i do i usualy have to put in a a reasonable amount of effort, but for some reason it looks like i barely do Sorry if i scared you driving to Poole Chris, Prawn recons i am insane around my own roads in my car, and thats coming from him...... Adam
  23. It happens: This is my 2nd avid which i have killed, fortunatly i have my 203mm hayes el camino coming for my DMR tomorow, but that will be going on the Simtra for now. Adam
  24. Sounds bit scary Em........ what is your new job? Adam
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