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Everything posted by Bigman

  1. Glad everyone is enjoying it, just waiting for fatmike or Rich to see it Adam
  2. Before both of those! But prawn was a stupid bugger and forgot to block my number Adam
  3. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Adam PS: Glad you all are liking it
  4. Come on Nick, even you admitted that my rear brake just does not budge! Adam
  5. No, prawn doesn't run vees, hence why his brake slips alot! Adam
  6. Hey guys, here is a small vid i put together of Nick, there was some footage of me but it was all gaps so i shall keep it for a future vid.... Prawny Pompey... (Tv.isg.si) Enjoy Adam
  7. I shall be there! Nick: Ash was going to be staying at mine, riding brum on saturday and coventry on sunday, we shall have to see about the trains.... Adam
  8. One question though, has that frame been re-heat treated, as otherwise no matter how good the person who welded it was it will still break! Adam
  9. You say the weight is 10.7Kg, how did you weigh it? did you use a set of scales with you holding it then you not, or did you have a proper hanging weigher? Because i am thinking when i get mine i should be able to loose alot of weight over your build as i have square holes, lighter forks, cranks........ hmmm, could be interesting... Adam
  10. wooooooo these are old pics!!! These were posted up even before they split the riding pics and vids into 2 forums! hence why they have probably ended up in the trials vids forum... Adam
  11. I don't know whether it has already been said, but a mate of mine who is a fixed gear cycle couirer in london has heard of a guy who runs a brakeless fixed gear bike in san fransisco working as a courier, nutter! Adam
  12. Awsome pics there dudes! Unfortunatly Darren the gap between the 2 tables is not very close to 8ft, probably nearer 7.5, i have done it to rear no problems...... Adam
  13. I saw the pictures you had put on OTN, and as i said there it is the best looking 07 CZAR i have ever seen! has almost made me want one..... Adam
  14. I recon to meet at the Motor Museum, probably the easiest place for everbody to find and there is some cool riding near there too Adam
  15. Na the new t-pro comes with vee adapters similar to the Heatsink ones, i have killed a set though, i am currently running home made adapters but i may get some heatsink ones when i have some money as my home made ones look a little shite and offer no adjustability. Oh, and linear slic cables are awsome, tis what i run Adam
  16. Well heatsink make cnc vee backings, and they are good... I will be ordering some rock greens soon as from what ali said they sound awsome! Adam
  17. Like people has said, i do run a Vee and would recomend one to anybody, the most noticable dfference between a vee and mag is the shear amount of hold that a vee has! it may not be quite as bitey (i have heard that rock green vees are bitey) but it will out hold a mag any day, and take that from me who is currently borderline 20st!! Also you can get them to feel just as nice if not better than maguras!! Adam
  18. There is a realy good way of joining alu - alu, tis called a TIG welder...... Adam
  19. Nick, by "borrowing" i mean that i am using a random un-secured wireless network that i found Adam
  20. As far as i am aware the only firewall i have running is the standard windows one, i do have avast anti virus, but that all..... Adam
  21. That last picture of ben looks like it is going to be mega painful for some reason.... Cool piccies Adam
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