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Everything posted by Bigman

  1. Maybe later when more sober....... Yeh, i agree MRM meat goes into alot of shite, but then again you can get mrm meat from everything! I have been involved in sheep, chicken (eggs and meat), beef and dairy cattle, i have basicly been involved with pretty much most types of farming..... Adam
  2. If you actualy listened to what they were saying! the ones they were picking out of the boxes/conveyer with the black bits on there arses were ones that had not consumed the whole of the egg yoke (The black bit was the un-consumed egg yoke), no matter whether they were male or female! ( I have actualy been to that hatchery by the way!) Adam
  3. WRONG! the male chicks that got gassed were from the batchs of chicks that were destined for egg production! and no they are not made into beef burgers! the chicks that were gassed were used to feed birds of prey and reptiles etc in zoo's etc! I should know this as i (my family) have grown meat chickens and currently have 2000 free range egg producing chickens! and have been involved in farming for 21 years! (btw i am 21!) Adam
  4. My first vee setup was using dewhore caliper and it was truely awsome! almost as good as my ultimates! Adam
  5. Hmmmm interesting...... Prefer the hydroxx myself! Adam
  6. Oh dear, that right there looks soooooo good! tax re-bate here i come...... I bet that has a +50mm disc mount too so koxx's front and rear 190mm rotors can be used, if so 210mm rotor ahoy! Adam
  7. That stem realy is not a 20degree rise one, more like 5degree! much too low in my oppinion for one if those frames. Bike does look awsome though! Adam
  8. Twas ok, but abit sidehop, sidehop gap gap for me..... Adam
  9. Wow they surely are expensive eggs! we sell our large eggs (free range of course) for 80p a half dozen! (6 eggs) But yes, my forks are like that too... Adam
  10. Bigman

    Full Cnc Frame

    That design looks alot better thn the previous 26inch design, only thing to remember when making a frame that low is whether when running a wide rim such as a koxx one that the cylinders of the magura will not catch on the cranks. Otherwise an awsome frame, have you desided whether you are going to add disc and maggy mounts? Adam
  11. When can we be expecting the 16t freewheels to be released? Adam
  12. Took me 5 minutes to type this one handed so you best be happy Patt..... Adam PS: Some good pics in thar...
  13. Riding in the rain rules! I got a puncture in the first 10 mins of riding, fixed that, then i broke my wrist on a tiny wall Adam
  14. Well idealy it wants to be somewhere fairly obvious, say outside the cathedral, i shall be in truro around 11 i expect, here is my number for anyone that needs it 07970176556 Adam
  15. Where will everybody be meeting? as i will be driving in.... Adam
  16. It is nothing to do with koxx as far as i am aware, it was hand built by a spanish rider, i think it looks awsome! Adam
  17. I will get my puncture fixed and head across! Adam
  18. My leg was soo sore when trying to ride so headed home, will probably ride truro sometime before i go home, got a few things i wanna film Adam
  19. i will hopefully be in around 11ish hopefully, what sort of time you guys getting in? I am hoping that my leg is not as sore from the bail in plymouth as today it has been hurting soooo much! Adam
  20. Grrrrr all of you! it is tradition that i always ride truro boxing day, but i supose i will let you all come..... Adam
  21. Didn't realy like the looks of them when they were first shown to the public, but they are growing on me i have to say! Adam
  22. I would say to try and bring you elbows down to the side, here's a pic of me on the back wheel so you can see what i mean.... I would also say try to stand a little more upright, but that may be obvious Adam
  23. As close as you may be with Massey Fergy Mark, i recons it is a specialized of some sort or Halo.... Looks awsome Joe, wouldn't mind one myself Adam
  24. hmmm, do i go and fit the vee just incase water bleeds decide to freeze........ Adam
  25. This look a little better: Looks nice too, still love these frames.... Adam
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