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Everything posted by Bigman

  1. That looks awsome! What Stem is that you are running? Adam
  2. If you look you can see a finger on the rear brake (right hand lever) which is obviously holding up the bike sorry to spoil it for you...... Adam
  3. Ryhno Lites seem to be a good choice, alot of people seem to be running them, and oh, wait i have a pair in very good condition for sale, £30 the pair Adam
  4. b*****d! But according to my computer clock you posted in the future, so it doesn't count! Adam
  5. Sweet, hoping to get to most of these actualy, wanna get abit more weight off before the first one and try to get myself ready! Will, i am sure you are in a much better state of fitness than me Adam
  6. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating SummaryVery good, quick delivery, overall very happy. Given By: Bigman You were the: Seller Date: 1201190039
  7. Nope, not ment to drive, although been doing tractor driving for dad I will see what i can do, if i can get in i will. Adam
  8. That looks awsome! What front brake is that? Adam
  9. Wrist is still in cast from the last truro ride Adam
  10. Not that i will be able to ride but i may come say hello.... Adam
  11. I might come say hello if i can get into truro Adam
  12. Ok, Rob is no longer going so i have a space in my car Adam
  13. Why? You don't realy need to tuck much, i barely tuck at all when sidehopping, all this tucking on 3ft walls stuff is noncence, it just looks silly! Adam
  14. Right, i seem to have lost my porthtowan natural (Its the one with my dual disc simtra) vid since changing computers, does anybody have it, if so could you send it too me on msn or upload it to t-f please. Thanks Adam
  15. Its ok thanks guys, got it now Adam
  16. Oh yeh he is! gunna be cossy in the back of my car at night Adam
  17. Sounds awsome ali, but are they going to make a car park in the actual quarry so that we can drive our cars right up to the quarry to save that bloody b*****d walk up! and if they put a car park will the gate at the bottom be just left open? Adam
  18. Hey Guys Could someone please upload the tartybikes winter air vid for me please. Thanks Adam PS: Yes i know it is on youtube, but youtube sucks!
  19. Right, just decided, i am gunna sort my passport and come along Is there anybody heading from the midlands/the north that i can convoy with? Adam PS: anybody wanna lift?
  20. That is going to be sweet! BUT You do know that when you use that iso shell the disc will be out of line for the caliper due to the spacing being correct for a 26inch bike, i seem to remember Joe Oakley had to turn down the disc mounts on the hub shell so that it brought the disc over enough.... Adam
  21. Already corrected him on that have a read of my reply.... Adam
  22. If you mean the price difference between the standard meat birds and the ones that conform to the freedoom foods specifications (perches, balls etc) then you are once again wrong, the price difference was £1, and when you say that they had a constant flow of oxygen, all shed lept birds do, you should see the size of the fans they have to draw the air through the building, they are huge, and usualy there are alot of them! and once again all the sheds have lights as if the birds were kept in the dark they would not feed! Once again, yes i have been to these types of farms! That £1 difference also is not the extra that the farmer gets, they still make fook all per bird they produce! There was something else i was gunna say but forgotten it, when it comes back to me i will put it up Adam
  23. Shows how much you know realy and thats not alot..... In free range it is not possible to have the shear numbers of birds that you can in battery/barn birds, also free range you have to consider the amount of land required, and land costs! that land then has to be fenced to stop chickens getting out and foxes/badgers getting in. Free range hens also do not produce as many eggs as battery/barn chickens due to the difference in lifestyle they have. Welfare comes at a cost! (That applies to everything, not just chickens!)
  24. It is rigt, if the uk were to go all out free range etc we would not be able to create the numbers odf chickens required due to it being such a sought after meat! Oone problem with these tv shows (jamie oliver and hugh fernly whitinstall) is they are only showing half the story when it comes to the free range birds, whether it the egg or meat producers, as all the filming they have shown of these units have been when the weather has been good, you wait until the winter, when outside all the free range units is muddy and shitty, i guarentee that you will barely see 10% of the flock outside, meaning that the rest of the population shall be inside, in litter (meat birds) or on the slats (egg producers) meaning they are no better off than the shed bound birds...... Freedom foods ( what you are on about) is the system we run on our egg laying chickens, it is not as clear as you may expect when you turn to egg producers, the legislation says you can have a certain number of birds for the amount of feed space that you havein the shed, both freedom foods and other legislation state that in half of our shed we can have 1100 egg laying birds, the difference comes when you look at the outside space, on the strd legislation you can have 1000 birds per acre, yet freedom foods state only 400 per acre, now how can this work.... let me know how you get on in 6 months time, hope you have plenty of money! The freedom foods legislation intensive meat birds, the ones in the shed with the perches, footballs etc did not go outside! No more replies from me tonight, considering i have been drinking i feel i have expressed quite well, i shall have another read through tomorow and reply withantthing i feel neccesary. Adam
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