It is rigt, if the uk were to go all out free range etc we would not be able to create the numbers odf chickens required due to it being such a sought after meat! Oone problem with these tv shows (jamie oliver and hugh fernly whitinstall) is they are only showing half the story when it comes to the free range birds, whether it the egg or meat producers, as all the filming they have shown of these units have been when the weather has been good, you wait until the winter, when outside all the free range units is muddy and shitty, i guarentee that you will barely see 10% of the flock outside, meaning that the rest of the population shall be inside, in litter (meat birds) or on the slats (egg producers) meaning they are no better off than the shed bound birds...... Freedom foods ( what you are on about) is the system we run on our egg laying chickens, it is not as clear as you may expect when you turn to egg producers, the legislation says you can have a certain number of birds for the amount of feed space that you havein the shed, both freedom foods and other legislation state that in half of our shed we can have 1100 egg laying birds, the difference comes when you look at the outside space, on the strd legislation you can have 1000 birds per acre, yet freedom foods state only 400 per acre, now how can this work.... let me know how you get on in 6 months time, hope you have plenty of money! The freedom foods legislation intensive meat birds, the ones in the shed with the perches, footballs etc did not go outside! No more replies from me tonight, considering i have been drinking i feel i have expressed quite well, i shall have another read through tomorow and reply withantthing i feel neccesary. Adam