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About Anjow

  • Birthday 12/24/1985

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    Zona Zip
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Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. I'm not going to post it abroad, sorry.

  2. would you ship this to us?? how much in us dollar do you want for it?

  3. Anjow


    I'm between degrees at the moment so I'm not going to be in Salford for another month yet As far as I'm aware I am. I adjust the cones so that it doesn't wobble and it doesn't feel gritty, then I hold the cone with a spanner and tighten the retaining nut - ensuring that the cone doesn't move. It all feels perfect, including once I've put it back on the bike, until I ride it - after which it goes back to being too loose, as though I'd never tightened it. Something I noticed is that there is a definite point at which it gets too tight, rather than gradually increasing friction - know what that could be?
  4. Anjow


    That would be absolutely excellent, and I really appreciate the offer. It's more than an hour's drive for me so I'll see what my other options are first before making a decision.
  5. Anjow


    In a previous topic on here someone suggested that it might have been bent whilst I was riding with loose cones, could that be the case? As for maintaining it, I don't know what I'm doing wrong - I tighten up the cones then the retaining nuts, then put the wheel in - within 2 minutes of riding the cones seem to be loose again. Along with the chain, even though I tightened that up with the chain tensioners. So according to one reply these hubs 'suck', but I am none the wiser from that. Why do they suck? What should I do about it?
  6. Anjow


    I think my axle is slightly bent. It's been suggested to me by a family member (who knows a bit about bikes, but not about trials) that I should get another one that is stronger. This person also suggested that this is the reason for my persistent problems with rear cones becoming too lose. Either way, I'm wanting to know what sort of axle I should get. Here's a picture of my hub: My bike is a Zona Zip built by SuperCycles, I don't know what hub it is, I don't know if you get different sized axles, basically I know nothing. What axle should I get? It would be great if anyone could link me to one on tarty or chain reaction. Or tell me that this is not the cause of my problems. Thanks.
  7. Buy a lottery ticket. You've got more chance of getting the cash for a full-price frame than you do of this guy being legitimate and there's less to lose when you don't win.
  8. Western Union is anything but safe. Why do you think it is used by almost ALL Nigerian 419 scammers?
  9. I had the EXACT same problems with my Zona Zip. Back wheel wobbled then the freewheel started clanking. I was (and still am) new to bike maintenance so I didn't know what was happening or why it was happening; I didn't send mine back to the shop though. I posted on here and people helped me out - so I can do it myself in the future.
  10. From the page: Edit: beaten by 1 minute.
  11. I've ridden the bike on less than 20 occasions, the frame hasn't hit anything, the bike hasn't hit anything, I've not done anything more than try backhopping on flat ground. If the frame is cracked then it was bought cracked, new, from SuperCycles. I'll look for the freewheel info and try tightening the pedals, thanks. Edit: I worked out how to tighten the freewheel, tightened it, and now the problem is gone. Thanks very much.
  12. This is a problem I've had for a while, but now I've taken some steps towards solving it (none of which worked) I am soliciting suggestions on what else I can do. Most of the time, when I pedal there is a clanking sound, when the foot that is forward at the time reaches around 4-5 o'clock. This happens with both feet. It does not happen at all if I am pedalling backwards, i.e. when I'm not putting load on the drivetrain. What I've tried: - Tightening the bottom bracket - Taking the cranks off, cleaning the tapers, putting them back on and tightening them up hard - Taking it to a bike shop - the mechanic wasn't in but the owner said it was not something that would harm the bike - however he didn't say what it could be The bike is a Zona Zip as provided by SuperCycles - I don't really know about what components it has. I do know that they are Onza cranks, an ACS freewheel and Onza pedals. Can anyone suggest what it could be or how I could fix it? I can provide pictures of components if that would help.
  13. Aye, Royal Mail is absolute balls. According to the Postal Services Act 2000, they aren't under any contractual obligation to deliver most mail, INCLUDING special delivery items. I find my letters opened all the time, literally 50% of letters that arrive have been obviously opened. It's not just Royal Mail that is useless either; DHL has nicked a PDA battery that was posted to me too.
  14. http://game.havirovstidrtici.cz/index.php?go=download
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