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Everything posted by colly

  1. colly

    Rear Disc

    my mono m4 should be coming next week, and i am just wondering who uses one of these on the rear and why do people not use discs, is it becasue they have not enough power or rip you frame apart? becasue i noticed ot and cesar using some disc, and i would think they grear for riding in a wet muddy trial or up and down becks? :S" :turned: thanks collio :D
  2. measure the sheel first either 68 or 73mm then go for a 118 axle
  3. i measured my front 185 mini on the back and it seemed to fit ok par the hose length have a go stu (Y)
  4. good to see disc mounts on it (Y)
  5. there shouldnt be any air in there any way :D try it and if it dont work bleed it (Y)
  6. ban them in bars, dont let goths in shopping centres dont let chavs in sorted, every one then will have to be normal (Y)"
  7. thing is why did magura pay money to develop the royal blood when water is no different? and if they used water the brake would be more affordable for people to buy. (Y)
  8. u sponsered by tarty bikes?
  9. [url=http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=52163&hl=bleeding+with+water]using water?url] problys due to that. (Y)
  10. colly

    High Vs Low

    yup my 20+ bb rise feels like this, till i got used to it, it felt like there was no power there. :(
  11. they feel more stable in sections, but all the length and all this stuff really dependes on the head angle of the frame, which alters the reach of the toptube i went from short to long and cant really tell that much difference just get on the bike and ride it, apart from i can backwheel higher and its harder to bunny hop buts thats because my bars are lower than before but if i raise it on the stackers it bunnyhops ok :(
  12. ditto that i sold a ttr 100 a year ago it was really a 'wreck' i got 370 for it and the fellow sold it for £500 with out doing anything to it, a derbi sender is not a mx bike its a wanna be enduro with a 50cc you need to have strong legs to push you up hills, get a trials bike like x-dream says, cheaper to run, and last longer a lad i was talking to got an aprilla climber 240 for £200 running apart from the swing arm was snapped which he sleeved, the fork seels are shagged, and the disc pads are nacked and they are hard to find parts for and he thought it was a bargain, its best to spend at LEAST 800 on something that has all the stuff done, and you can parts for look for stuff like new tyres on them as they will save you 50-75 quid, and suspension bushes, i dont no what the situation is down there but getting a trials bike for under a £1000 up here is really hard :turned: dont know what mx bikes are like but imagine there is a few wrecks about for 600 that would fix up :)
  13. sidehopped 32inch one day to back wheel on my local libary wall :mellow:
  14. who was the lad on here who said that an engineer looked at his and said they would be a possible weak spot,......he was right........... :S" dont know if it was the brake mounts though :mellow:
  15. the less teeth on the back means more force on the links, i dont how many teeth=how many links but lets just say a 11t will have 4 links on and a 16t will have 7t on this means 4 links have all the force on them compared to 7t i know most of the power comes from the front, but theres still a lot at the back thats why most chain slippages from a worn chain and sprokets happens at the back and is more likely to slip in 5th gear rather than 1st. (depending how worn each sproket is) but i know where you are coming from becasue most of the power comes from the front and problys makes 80% of the differecne :mellow:
  16. colly

    me splatting step

    From the album: collys album

  17. colly

    New Pedals

    wouldnt dare use them for trials at that price :S
  18. t-cut and a bit of elbow grease. :S
  19. i would use leak fix in it or liquid metal. dont no if i would trust cilcon :S"
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