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Everything posted by colly

  1. Just bought a hope trial disc for the rear of my ashton justice resolve frame, but cannit get the caliper on the frame, it seems the banjo bolt? Is hitting off the rear gusset tried loosing it off but is still about 7mm to close? :/ any help would be much appriciated thanks
  2. hi do u still have ashton frame for sale? live in bishop auckland

  3. going to get back into trialllz yeaaa

  4. wouldnt mind a look, see if i can grab some spare time and illl be through. if not any one fancy a ride after work 1 nite.
  5. my mate used to have one, Really tough frame!
  6. colly

    Zebdi Mk 6

    just got it seems to ride sweeet, it has a big gusset on the downtube, with fattys it is 1035.
  7. colly

    Zebdi Mk 6

    I remember about 4 years ago planet x released a mk6 zebdi, was there only a limited amount of these frames sold in britian? and if so dos any body know what they are like? thanks
  8. Confidence now im working, sidehops on to thin/over stuff, front hoooks, rails, backwheeling high stuff when there is a big drop over other side
  9. think the frame loooks cool, dont like the idea of noooo bash ring,! think the lever looks rather kooool
  10. kieron i have some fatty forks on me zoo, would be canni intrested in them pace forks, would you do a bit of a deal? canny bike! will have to have a bash on it some time!
  11. ti bars, and pinch chippys stem! lol
  12. check the fan works by by passin the fan switch, check coolant level, check oil make sure it is not white. if it gets hot, put the hot heaters on flat out, as it drags the hot air from the engine used to work a treat on me old sri lol
  13. i might havea look lad, there will be a few off us if we come, fanci riding south shields sum time like lad?
  14. im going through the same stage you are now, since i havnt really rode since ive past me test! but my problem, is that thers a barrier in my head saying dont do it its dangerous lol. one day im going to go out there and be as good as i was (hopefully) or even better.
  15. colly

    K+n Filters

    its a 1.4 corsa sport, its going to get 2 big pipes from the wheel arch taking in cold air, i no engines run best on cold air, but when the engine is cold and they breathing cold air they use lots more juice. they definatly wont run richer because more = a weaker mix of petrol, suppose the only thing i can do is put the air box on and see if theres any difference personnaly on me old sri, the origianl deristricted air box made it go lots better than an induction kit
  16. colly

    K+n Filters

    right i know the universal inductions slurp a bit more. but do the proper ones for the car use a bit more? i know that they will allow more air, in so the engine management system will let a bit more fuel in to make the mixture right, but have you noticed a decrease in your mpg? thanks colly
  17. colly

    Your Lass

    where did you meet ur lady freinds from, a usuall place? or some where odd??
  18. alan tompson who sells them all at the trial, or white bros
  19. rogerley quarry dave, i will have a word with the off road club to see how they get it off alistar.
  20. its on the sheffield dvd, well worth buying the dvd.
  21. its where the worlds were this year, near skipton, really good, massive rocks, its amazing.
  22. yeh a will hopefully have a look thorugh, not sure if my drivin test is on this sataday though, in the summer we should all hava look down to addingham moorside some time
  23. dougie has just about had it now, but is a true legend, my money this go on fajardo ex megamo spnsered rider, very good, not sayin bou isnt beasue he is a future world champ
  24. as for a realistic first mine has to be the early nighties corsa Sri's which iv got now always wanted one, quick, fanny magnets, it has always been me dream first car for the last year or so. but i want a range rover late on, but my next toy will be something 1.6 + like saxo vts, or 205 1.9 i just like old hot hatches
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