if you want to do plumbing go with a company called haden young, very good company and have a very good reputation. its who i am doing a heating and ventilation apprentischip with. but personally id do the H&V not plumbing you learn a lot more and you also do arc an gas welding. pay is pretty good as well, i get about £400 a week and i also get all my travel paid, london waiting and a bonus every week. it can be easy and it can be hard. complaeting the college work is too easy we done ours in the last couple of weeks. you will get all the shit jobs to start with, if you do as your told and dont give them shit you will get on fine (i learnt the hard way) and over time they will let you do your own work on your own. i have just qualified and im already installing a complete ahu plant room on my own EDIT: i have just noticed your from warrington, and i know haden young have an office in warrington to give them a call.