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Wright Pads

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Everything posted by Wright Pads

  1. Done! Going to fill with marbles and use some artificall flowers we got as they will last longer! Pretty cool i think!
  2. Yep you do but last time i saw that in use some kid had a pretty nasty accident at Cwmn Carn. Plus i have seen it come lose so it for trials na not for me. The option to chnage geo can be fun, but then making it safe and cost effective is hard. STD style is what i am thinking, but i'm looking to see whats out and what can be mixed and matched and imporved on but a std ring reniforced headtube will never get beaten or unloved
  3. LMAO i like the rear to what it's attached too, kitchen draws as ''wheels'' This is my frame not my sponser Darren. Cheese? I wish cos i'm hungry. You know what proto means yeah?? Well that one you saw and had a go at rididng was a proto the very 1st so it's allwoed to have issues nowt works 1st time
  4. Don;t worry i have taken your though on bord. Geo you'll hate but i love it! I'm looking at whats out there and tweaking it into soemthing better that works but is eye catching but strong, stiff and not going to fail. Cheers for the photos
  5. I though you had to say that as that what you were taught and is writen in the terms and con and contratc!
  6. I 2nd this when you call them but you just ask to speak to an Dell tec and they transfer you to Irland. It's not that much better but least soemthing will be sorted via e-mail! Mind lots of companies now pulling out of these India based centers due to no one calling now! Cardif is the wrost for call centers...
  7. I had the bottle on the flor then folded a tick cardbord box over it so it wasn't going to kill me if it went pete tong. 2nd coat on now then the edging then it be done...
  8. Okay so it was eye catching and still is....but is very come. Zona, Cazar, many ranges of Koxx have it. So do you think it's lame or not? Also have you lot got some close up's. Desging my new set of frame (Wright Bike/Pad's unsure which brand) and just looking at ideas and way to take current styles and amke them better to look, better to function and to ride. Proto out soon with hopefully one full member here ridding it too!!! Oh what other styles of headtube/top/downtube arangments are there
  9. A job is a job yeah. At the end of the day it'll give you £ GBP. You need this to live, be it pay rent, buy food, fuel your car, fuel your drug, sex what ever habit. You need money to live. Some here really work there ass off to get buy and have a good bike, other get it given to them and will learn when they have to live in the real world. I once worked for Mc D's. Out of running my own shop, frame building for ARC, this IT stuff. It was the best. Hours are crap, shit anyoing things to do and anyoing customers but youd had a laugh. You'd get randoms in, drunk, women being really filrty. Alwyas gonna have an amazing manger in there gives no shit towhat goes on at all. Money is poor, hours are long but free food, countless discount and great friendship but when a customer make a nice coment you feel good! Oh and these places have a lot of comen work do's! So wether you clean toilets all day, spit on people burgers or build bikes in Halfords it doesn;t matter. You could be a bum for all sorts of reasons and living off the state which us working people pay for. A job is a job and it pays it way for you to live and go do things. So don't be so f**king disrespectfull of one persons job to the other nor get into detial of what they earn. More you earn the more you've proberly had to suck or f**k your manger but go to uni and get into countless debt. Just means in +30 years you can be earning 50K+ and really enjoy life debt free etc. Remeber a job is you living, not a passing phase. Your job role is the passing phase as you can always go up the ladder
  10. Prime Clean is that? I did it a few times to help a mate whom ran Prime Clean at a local school. Was a good laugh and some nice 6th formers! Also i did the tec block so use to be able to help my self to stuff hehehe
  11. Done it! I used a title cutting blade at full speed and just let it rest it's own weight on the bottle. Everything was taped up really tight, tape split as i was tapping it it up. I made one and it came off clean pretty much. 3 tiny crack have formed but only in the top! Super gule has been used. Well Crayonlate thin toxic stuff but has filled them up and will stop them! Just found some clear acrlic spray in the atic so i have just given the bottle a cost misting with that to seal the labels. Will do it again once its dryed a bit. As for edge protection i'm using some 1/2'' hose that was spear form my water cooling on my pc! Cut a V in the corner so one length can be use. Some stone in the base to weight it down then fill with water add blue red blue flowers (his army unit colors) and take it down. Nice little tribute for him i think! Sorry guys i know i risked a lot, lossing the bottle or hurting my self but i really wanted to do this for him. Even though we hadted each other, never had anyhting in comen and fight cat and dogs. RIP brv you bugga Will post pics one it's dry
  12. If it does just means £18 out on a new bottle, up till 7am again and then a huge hangover! Good exucse really!
  13. I haven't me car today as it's being serviced so i think angle grinder it is
  14. Slow at moving the grinder to cut it yeah but full speed with the disc that way you mean? It's what i had planed to do
  15. Okay bit sad maybe i duno. Thankfully i have an empty bottle of JD, 70cl size. It was my bro fav and only drink... I want to cut the neck off. Just above where on the glass it has ''Jack Daniels'' cast in the glass. Why, well once i've cut it i'm going to smoeth it off and covered the lables with stick back plastic or try and find the full sized one online, laminate them and then use it as a varse at his grave side! I was wandering if i could cut it using a really thin blade for my angle grinder and high speed? Will be dusty as it's glass but i will have protection on i promiss....any tips or ideal? Pete
  16. Eye protection too and gloves if using the soda
  17. READ THE BLOODY TOPIC!!!!! I said i was working and luck had it i was on my old laptop which i use for opening up virus infect stuff so i didn't care! I have many rigs/laptops and one is for doggy attachment and files! If it dies i have other unit to work on. It's pissing it down and windy so ridding is not an option to be picky back at you
  18. I was talking of IBM's version which is the now offical one as they hold the linece for it nowt eles Kris! I said the other to help you on your merry way
  19. Depends what i was driving. At the time is as old range rover and not mine with the bull bar hit the kiddy dead yeah things at the front and my drive allowed me to smash into the van at a good 20mph, it moved with lot of noise and mess and i happerly carryed on driving down the road. Nowt came of it as my drive is a private drive anyway and clearly marked. Mind he did get rid of the static on the fax line we got er I know the one! Ex misis is on mutley but shes at Marjons! Theres sod all to ride there. Plus you can;t cos of the chavs and old bill. Bristol is where you want to ride! Sceen has gotten bigger in Plymouth yes! I will be down to see what plymouth is like and see a load of mates. When i duno and when i'll be rididng depends on my ankle getting stronger as still fresh out of plaster and 2 my 2nd proto frame being made! hehe
  20. For a cheaper and faster effect wire bursh thingy in the end of a drill and go nuts on them!!! It'll get it off and layer of the aluminum that has oxerdized before the anodizing and you can then polish them up to bling all in half hour
  21. How random, i just moved from there back home...(well in december). OT where in Plym are you or you in halls?
  22. I did. Then i changed my job as i made enough money to doss about and i wanted to be more of a fmaily man/house husband. I saw this NDA job and went for it. Getitng to paid to mess with latest kit all day..hell yeah. Stuff i get home you'll get in the shops in 3 months, it'll already be documented on the net and photos from shows of it. That i do do. Stuff like in my 1st post which is a test of what can be done which is not going to come out for at least 5+ years and is in the office i am not allowed too as cameras are not allwoed in as i said. When you say that people bork every day, BT staff or genral public? I acidently smacked a BT van once but he was half on my driver and wouldn;t move it so forcefully off it went hahah
  23. Whats your job and what do you really do there?? 64 cores as verified by Windows XP SP2 2006 sumemr build! (had to link you to a pic thats out on the net as cameras not allowed at work) NDA for Intel. My main office is based in Swindow how ever i work from home a lot testing and destorying the latest kit! Check the newst toy to come into work. Pete
  24. It's not cheap about £100,000 for it. Brant @ On One found it and was like okay Pete i take back what you said. Edit: Man your crap at googling. I found it just like that. Barbedwire's Minesweeper CF is what you can look at. 501 new vrius found today alone! Worms, trojans and loads of other nastys. Pretty cool. It's made by Barbedwire but IBM has there version of which is bigger and better but only big companies and bank use it. Did you know that Barclays i Bank uses AVG as it's firewall! Lame!
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