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Everything posted by theone2be

  1. When i worked in MotorWorld i had to build a few bikes that had left and right front discs, . They were complete crap, the manufacturer had only made one caliper design for both sides and if you tried to put it on the right then it was sooo close to the spokes, and the caliper had a tendency to snap. Also if you didnt set it up absoluty perfect than half the time only one brake was working and all in all it was no more powerfull than a standard one. I would get a righthand side disc if i could just so i couldnt smash it on sidehops
  2. Saracen Blitz Saracen 2.6 Bt Raven 4 (current) Ashton (being built) Thats over a year and a half
  3. Just found this on youtube, It might be a repost but everyone should watch it. The hooks at the beginning KOSIMAZAKI
  4. Sorry fat pants your comment is out this just has to be sig'd. lol
  5. All about the arse, boobs have got to be bigger than mine depends on the size of the female though. Cant wait till poopie sees this thread and post's lol
  6. Well if i dont know what im talking about why am i a member and your still stuck here in new members. lol. That didnt mean to sound bitchy by the way. Ahh well if people want to bleed there brakes with water then please go ahead, but what annoys me most is when some random new member is throwing a tantrum about there brake freezing. But then i can say that i told them so. Any way mark my words in a few weeks when it starts to get really cold there will be atleast one topic on here about fozen brakes.
  7. I like it but it looks like your brake lever is nearly vertical.
  8. Please please please do NOT bleed your brakes with water. It may give you a slightly smoother feel but will cause you nothing but problems. For one you have to bleed them with a bit of antifreeze to stop them freezing in the cold winter. Your seals in your maggie lever expand with the water and will be a nightmare to remove without destroying them. Also Magura use there oil because it dosnt oxidise, The chemical symbol for water is H2o, This means it contains Hydrogen and OXYGEN, and after time the oxygen will be released form the water creating oxygen bubbles that will destroy your brake. So please dont bleed your brakes with water, stick to the reccommended oil, magura dosnt speed loads of money filling there brakes with specilalist oil, when they could save a few bob and fill them from the tap! If you bleed your brakes with water please take all of my rant in consideration and dont complain if you brake goes wrong.
  9. Everyone is going to say the bb7 and i dont blame them its an ace disc. Ive just got a mono trial only because i hate the feel of cable disc and they have a tendency to break on me, but its just my bad luck. Id say go for a bb7 unless you have a good reason not to.
  10. theone2be

    Tf Cribs

    Got that same vertical photo thingy in my room, ill get some pics up later
  11. What about the last big ride in pompey when Ash was on the zenith, i remember someone on daves leeson lol
  12. Havent i seen all them parts on a certain Ashton frame not long ago. . Hope this rides better for you though, looks like a good setup.
  13. I pretty sure you dont, you just need the right length (i.e. shell x length) And the shell length is going to be either 68 or 73mm . To run a front freewheel you just need some cranks with thread on them, not like middleburns, like the new adamant,zoo,czar,gu,etc cranks.
  14. Oh god after reading this topic i'm thinking of selling the king and buying a fixed hub and an eno. I wonder shall i do it?
  15. Sorry mate but theres a big consensus between alot of riders on this forum that piczo is shite
  16. Have a look around the forum mate, i think you want a forum for motorcycle trials because this site is for trials on bikes without motors . But some people on here may be able to help you. EDIT: I may be wrong because it does say you ride a mod, so if i am appologies
  17. 5th pic is one for the gurn comp alex. . Prawn youve got some good gurns aswell
  18. Yeah, its been ragging round town lately and every time i see it he gives the old to me, and i noticed an old friends dp on msn and it was him lol . so he sent me the pic over msn
  19. I think prawn will agree with me mk1 escort ***! And i just want a nice v-dub
  20. Consider this topic resurrected Its alot bigger quality but the forum wont let me upload any pictures
  21. It's my 17th on december the 21st so i've been told ill be getting a car and driving lessons, or driving lessons and a car once i pass, which is pretty good but i might be able to sneak in some trials bits. In my room i've got a list of what would make the perfect trials bike for me, i'll just give the parents a copy of that and buy me what they want or nothing at all, and if the relatives ask then ill give them a copy of the list too.
  22. Hey people how do i get up the chart to see whos posted in this topic and how many times because i think poopie is up for the win for most posts. lol
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