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Posts posted by fruitbat

  1. Check Vidomi - not used it loads myself but its free and when I have used it the results have been ok. Might need to search for some tutorials on using it as the settings did need playing with a little.

    There is another one that I use but you have to pay for it - converts between loads of formats and good .avi outputs. Will get name of it.


  2. This, just thinking about my eldest son truly enjoying something or when he talks about something we did gets me.

    Tops my list by a mile

    I'm looking forward to things like that, mine is only 2 years old at moment.

    I think this is a really good topic,so many proper feel good moments.

  3. 64bit processor should work with 32bit OS, but I dont belive you will get full benefits from the 64bit capabilities, 64bit processor and 64bit OS together would be better.

    Please get rid of Vista, and run Windows 7. I run windows 7 Ultimate and love it - Vista is evil!

    Oh, and I seem to remember that a 32bit OS wont support full 4gb ram, normally only around 3.5gb of the 4gb (or whatever is installed)

  4. I wouldn't try get out of it, it will come back and bite you on the bum - hard! Speak to them and try to sort it out, may work in your favour if you more proactive rather than trying to avoid them.

    If they have access to your credit file, which they probably will due you having credit with them, they should easily be able to find your updated address so there's no hiding.

  5. I have problems with my teeth (fear of dentist and not going in over 10 years let problems build up) - since I recently went to a dentist to get work done I started using electric toothbrush, just a £20 (reduced from £40) Oral B Vitality, and would recommend it to anyone. Massive improvement in my teeth, its not about what you use its how you use it. You could use a manual toothbrush and get the same results - as long as you brush properly.

  6. I got a set of these, only used them a few times but i'm quite happy with them so far.

    The Remote Lock Out isn't great but that doesn't bother me as it wasn't my main reason for getting them.

    Only word of warning, they don't come with the Vee mounts and are ready for disk only, managed to get set of the vee bolts but they cost around £20 - robbing basts!

    Oh, and they are discontinued but am sure if you looked hard enough you could fine someone with a set still available, or even the newer model


  7. Can't see the fun in chasing a ball back and forth.

    But you see the fun in hopping a bike up an down? (not having a dig, just ask a genuine question)

    Im a football fan - lots of other people aren't. I'm not really a rugby fan - lots of others are.......each to their own I say.


  8. Hate to state the obvious, but have you tried running them 4 cross, i can't imagine a snowflake wheel lasting too long on a BMX... ether that or buy the right length spokes.

    Don't do it, looks good but they come loose really quick. Used to have a rear wheel with snowflake and I was forever tightening the spokes

  9. You can do it with all Xbox 360 games. Just make sure there's space on the hard drive. You need the disc to play the game, but it doesn't need to read all of it, so often you can get away with a dud disc. You can EVEN save someone else's copy of the game and use your disc to start it up, as far as I know.

    So providing it doesn't just say 'this disc is shite' as soon as you put it in, you can get round it.

    Try it anyway.

    Spot on, I'm guessing you still need disc to prove copying and genuine version ..etc..etc..etc..

    Reading internet it appears the entire game is actually run off the hard-drive and speeds up the system. Might have to purchase a couple more hard-drives for the more expensive games I get in future.

    Thanks for you help buddy!


  10. The disc had a heavy scratch round the edge.

    Save it to the hard drive, yes. It's in the Game Library thing, select the game in there, then look for install to hard drive.

    Ah, didn't know you could save games to hard-drive from disc - this may be a life game-saver

    Just been browsing t'interweb and found some details about it, anyone know if it can be done with MW2?


  11. I managed to clean heavy scrapes from moving the xbox around with the disc in almost perfectly. All is not lost though, try saving the game to the hard drive, this can sometimes get around a dodgy part of the disc, and is how I've got away with my knackered copy of mirror's edge.

    Not sure what you mean about the heavy scrapes bit, does that partly repair the disc?

    Do you mean save game to the Xbox hard-drive? How is this done, and can I run the game from the hard-drive rather than disc?

  12. Not a happy bunny, MW2 disc stopped working other day, took it out and there is an almost perfect circle scratch on it, did some internet browsing and apparently this happens if you move the Xbox whilst game is running - but I did no such thing. Xbox remains perfectly flat, laid down under a TV cabinet, the only movement it ever gets is when I plug the controller in and load the disc.

    Took it to local game shop, they say it is actually laser burn caused by exactly the above (movement) - but sometimes it can be caused by simple day to day vibrations causing the game on an unsteady disc tray (bad Xbox design) to move slightly and get 'burnt' from the laser.

    They did some pretty intense buffing of the disc, it hasn't got rid of it totally but looks better - how it still doesn't f**king work - so I now no longer have a working MW2 and can't afford to buy a new one until end of April.

    Back to COD4 for me


  13. Myself and some school friends discussed this many years ago, and we concluded the worst (or most painful and fearful way to go) would be to be trapped between 2 large objects which slowly got closer and closer together, like at the rate of 1 mm every half hour, so you slowly feel the pressure build up and your body parts slowly crush under the weight, and eventually things would start 'popping' under the extreme pressure and pain wold be ever increasing before you finally died under the pressure.

    I know far too much thought went into that one, but it was a School discussion to pass time.

    If I was asked as a quick question, I would have to say drowning like most others

    Death overall scares me, not the fear of dying but the fear of not knowing whats next, is the end the end, or is there more out there?


  14. How the hell do Xbox live "parties" actually work? I don't understand how to organise a game (E.g. MW2) with other people from my friends list. It surely can't be hard? But the option to invite to game is always greyed out?

    I'll show you how to do it next time i'm online, think its you i've got added? (Fluid??)


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