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Posts posted by Hoot

  1. Well having had a run in with the moderators myself, once Onzaboymark pm/d me to tell me a few points i realised that they do everything they can to stop posts getting out of control, and by doing those few things like editing and deleting post's is all relevent.

    You see them editing posts may cause an argument, but the argument is usually a hell of a lot smaller then what it would have been if they hadnt made there move.

    The moderators can not make this forum perfect as there is always one, on every forum there is always one.


  2. But this is a bike forum, by its very nature mods will want to go ride, and compared to computer forums, most riders have a social life and their out most of the time anyway.

    Most of the people in computer forums have jobs, yet they can still manage to keep there forums under control, look i'm not asking for an argument, but it wouldnt hurt for the mods to make a bit more of an effort. Anyway this is my last contribution to this thread!

  3. (You seriously have no idea how much myself, Tom, Danny, Mark, Jon, Dave and Andy put into this place.)

    So if that true, why is this topic now open again, and why did it take so long to close anyway??? You lot really need to think hard to yourselfs at wether you should be mod, comparing this forum to other forums, i think not.

    Before anyone starts arguing, i'm only making my point (freedom of speech)

  4. im sorry..... but my girlfriends entire family have been using macs for the whole 4 years ive known them, i work for hannahs mum.... and often spend a lot of time on the computer.....

    having spent a LOT of time working on macs, i can safely say i cant see ANY benefits of a mac over a windows system...........

    theyre nasty.... they look posserish.... which almost always means SHITE, theyre slow, nasty to use, only one sodding mouse button. the programs are stupid and make no sense, they dont work with pc stuff, which lets face it, it over 90% of computers out there!

    hannahs mum recently bought a sony laptop for use in her business.... and guess what, the f**king laptops never off, they all que up to use the lappy becuse the macs such a f**king joke!

    and its no cheappy mac either, its a top of the range one, costing a serious amount of wedge just over a year ago!

    so im not one of those 90% who have a pc and havnt tried a mac, i use one almost every single day, and hate every fecking dirty minute of it....

    and what a surprise? a family that have only EVER had macs, all queing up to use the windows laptop.... why?

    because the macs a waste of f**king table space!!!!!!!!

    Well said mate, i second that! (Y)

  5. For f**k's sake. Do you mean a typical PC processor and tower? Running whatever OS you want? Xp / Linux / OsX or do you mean Windows or OSX?

    It's a f**king stupid question.

    90%+ computer literate people use windows 'cos they've got the best stance in the market and have done for ages 'cos windoze works well with corporate stuff, is cheap (because it's shit and built craply) and that's about it.

    If 90% of users on TF / the world use PC's (Windoze) then they won't exactly vote for Mac will they. They haven't even tried it.

    So to be fair this topic's just a stupid idea.

    Erm.... i mean a FULL pc running windows odviously. And if you think it's a stupid topic, why do you feel the need to reply??

  6. The way i see it, if you have been brought up with Mac's, then using a Pc is going to feel different, so then your going to think Mac's are better, now if your like me and you've been brought up with Pc's, then your going to think they are better (Even though they are, and a Mac will never beat a Pc!)

    Hoot (Y)

  7. Emery you do seriously need to take spelling lessons or something, your spelling and attitude on this forum stinks.

    Before you start insulting me, let me just remind you that you will be banned if you carry on as you are, so if i was you, i'd have a long hard think to myself on whether i should become a better person on this forum.

    Tip... Make your posts better. I.e. make it 100% clear on what you want/need, and then others can understand and then give you a prompt reply.

    Yours.... Hoot :)

  8. That sounds like a driver problem to me. Reinstall the usb drivers, if you do not have them, you can get them off google as long as you know your motherboards make and model. Try that and it should be sound!


    Hoot (Y)

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