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Everything posted by Jaffacakes

  1. Spins on front wheel spins on backwheel 180's to back wheel on a ledge or something, Just mainly really sad tricks that i think are cool
  2. You could always get a T-pro with T-mag parts from supercycles. It's a cheaper version of the koxx levelboss.
  3. What a pleb It took him like 3 seconds to react he is going to be having nightmares for weeks...
  4. And all of that was in the space of a month
  5. Defintly 04 no doubt about it. The 05 levers just feel so flimsy like they have tried to scrape to much metal out of them to make them light. But the 04 lever is more solid and it just weights a little bit more. Magura have defently gone backwards the last 2-3 years rim break wise.
  6. Jaffacakes

    Picture War

    Buffy? no way. Carmen electra for the win
  7. I just come on here and watch TV mostly but its always fun to get soaking wet and go ride in the rain, But since it hasn't rained in two weeks I can't really complain .
  8. Jaffacakes

    Picture War

    No water to fill up your super soaker JT!
  9. Jaffacakes

    Picture War

    More Illigal substances
  10. Im not sure if these have been posted up before but anyway I just found these so thought I might aswell post 'em up theres some vids from 1989 - 2002 so knock your selves out . Link.
  11. Why do you wan't a chris king charles? Theres nothing wrong with your profile
  12. Cheers smo I'll download that
  13. Recently I keep geting pop-ups and it really starting to get to me once every 2-3 mins one will just appear and it is usually the same ones. Is there a way to stop it hapening for FREE! cheers
  14. That program is awesome. I got it a few months back and its better than norton antivirus (crap) which i payed about £40 for .
  15. Put a zip tie on it problem solved. Thats what Iv'e got on mine and they don't move at all
  16. Some nice pics there kieran, looks alot better on film though .
  17. You have got another crack coming on in the inside left of the picture.
  18. Cheng shin tubes from Tarty and creepy crawler tyres. I run quite low presures and haven't had a puncture in about 4 months.
  19. Jaffacakes

    Picture War

    It took me about a minute to see the conection between the world smalest teddy bear and the finger prints...i must be tired The thief has been thiefing
  20. Yup, same Just get a old one you don't care about and play with it, take off the lockring off and get some news paper lift up the base and let all the bearings and pawls fall out (theres two layers top and bottom) then clean it and play around with how to put it back together from absolute scratch then you will know the insides and outsides of a ACS claw . But basically put back in the bottom layer of bearings then the base with the teeth on it, then the springs, then the pawls, then the top layer then the lockring and you are done.
  21. We want the cog but we don't really care about the wheel.
  22. Has anyone got any ideas to get a cog off a rear wheel? We dont have a chain whip so is there a way to bodge one together? Cheers
  23. Go on trashzen and have a look through there. Its a really good trials tutorial site .
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