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Everything posted by Jaffacakes

  1. Yes you would. They will fit as well because the pistons are the same as the HS33. The only difference is the lever.
  2. You need to put a space ether side of the smiles by the way. Yeah trials is awesome. You defiantly won't regret getting into it, I think your best bet will be a second hand bike if you are looking for stock. If you are going to their houses go with a mate who know's whats crap and whats not and ask them to have a go on it and also remember to look for cracks .
  3. *sigh* You need to watch some movies, have a go on both and see what you like best. To see how this topic will tern out use the search .
  4. . It will be a bitch when it comes around to changing the "Tyres".
  5. Jaffacakes

    Picture War

    Then was involved in a nuclear explosion.
  6. Jaffacakes

    Picture War

    You need a big light to light a big splif .
  7. Jaffacakes

    Picture War

    Sam neil flys off to safety at the end of the movie... again. But will there be a JP 4?
  8. There must have been alot of force put on that. Ah well, you could always wack out the welder for the mean while .
  9. . Don't forget who were talking about, The very man that tried to sue TF.
  10. You have to sort of jump with the bike otherwise you fall off the back. That means jumping up and forwards at the same time, You will develop how much to jump when you get into gaping etc and won't thing about it. Try just geting onto your back wheel then doing a couple of hops on your back wheel then doing a little wheelie. It is the same movement except softer and you don't have to think about weight shifting and jumping etc. Give it a go mate .
  11. That's a good point. 20 more engagements and under 20% of the price of a profile. I personally if i had the money would go for a chris king, even though it is un needed and a waste of money. but I would go for a ENO over a profile though, It has more engagements and is so easy to service and take off since its not all tied into your wheel, and you don't hear any bad stories about how they have broke or keep constantly skipping unlike a profile. Me and my mate have Eno's and they rock, as long as they are serviced and cleaned out properly they are amazing. I can see the point in having a cassette hub on a stock but it just seems a bit pointless on a mod to be honest. Unless its a king .
  12. It's like changing gear when your driving. When you first start to do it is really hard and you have to force your self to get the timing right, but after a while you do it without thinking. Are you leting go of the break when you are doing it? are you shifting your weight? Are you pushing dowh on the pedal? Try to record a vidio of you doing it so we can spot what you doing wrong streight away . It's all practice.
  13. So how is it going then kieran. P.s Log out of my name on ur PC you gay
  14. Jaffacakes

    Picture War

    Which was later killed.
  15. Some cool pics there. Are we expecting a movie?
  16. Jaffacakes

    Picture War

    Then she ran into the sea to put her self out and saw this guy
  17. All hopes have that (well something similar) but they are integrated and hiden inside the lever blade so they don't get damaged, and it makes it extremely hard to tern with a set of alen keys because you can't get in there properly. £40 is a bargain though. Was it brand new?
  18. I think switching to stock will be the best thing you ever do. You are like 7 foot tall aswell so look like you are riding a clowns bike
  19. Jaffacakes


    Cheers mate your are a legend . well im off
  20. haha I would just leave it, It doesn't make any difference.
  21. Jaffacakes


    Shameless is awesome I have been watching it the past few weeks, the only thing is my mum got me into watching it ....
  22. I have a hope mono disk and it feels georgious, the best front break I have ever rode. Except it is very temprementive because its contaminated. I have never rode a Juicy 5 or 7 though.
  23. I sent a frame through my post office and it was 7 pounds for a 4 day delivery including 150 pound insurance. It is done by weight not size so I think it will probably be about 20 pounds what ever you do.
  24. Jaffacakes

    Picture War

    The bin cought fire and burned the railway.
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