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Everything posted by Jaffacakes

  1. Uploading now http://www.eengoedidee.nl/videoz/bike-trials/tracast02.wmv
  2. Good old copy and paste Eno's are the bees knees though.
  3. You Fool! Greg was working last nite
  4. Just because you were'nt to drunk to apreciate... comunal titty time or what ever it was called
  5. I would go all "in cogneto" stylee
  6. WOOOOO was a mission to find this thead just had a hellishly good bch party and i luv it. awesomely good stuff This Girl i realy like wasnt there though which was kind of shity but her mate was trying to get with me which was gay, well i dont know if its her mate but i think she is but she isnt really her mate is shes trying to get with me anywhoo this seems the thread where its at so bumpage
  7. Erm I would shit my pants if someone was shooting at me. I certainly wouldn't say a smart ass comment to their face If they had just shot at me . Just run and run fast
  8. I'm not too sure what I think of it really. I quite like the back end but to be honest i'm not a great fan of CNC'ed head tubes but all in all it looks ok. If I rode 26 and liked long bikes I would probably buy it.
  9. Where abouts in the country do you live? Im pretty lucky to live right at the bottom of cornwall where everyone knows everyone. Theres about a 1% chance of them riding out of school on my bike without someone knocking them off it and battering them The only thing that's every happened to my bike at school is someone robbed my dust caps, so I found out who it was and got them back.
  10. Me and "Sir-GU-Murphy" tried selling him these minto condition limited edition pink zoo bars [attachmentid=4133] He wanted to pay £30
  11. Fook me, shes worth a poke.
  12. Gayness. Plymouth is such a good spot aswell, Those cleaners with read coats are always pretending to phone the 5o. Ah well, when the police come over just ride off I got "my" name and "my" address taken down again in St Ives the other day
  13. Ok cheers, Ill have a look at that I was expecting to have to wait a day or two for a reply
  14. Im getting into BMX at the mo' but dont want to splash out a awefull lot of money on a minto BMX just to find out BMX is wank I am thinking about getting this cheap as chips BMX and just upgrade it bit by bit but dont know if it will be any good to learn on or just any good in general. So could anyone recomend a decent cheapish BMX to learn on (Preferably pink ) That wont get destroyed if I ride it?
  15. Jaffacakes

    A Sweet Bail

    HOLY...FU**ING SHIT Cant argue with that but shit me
  16. Pink is awesome! Im getting a nice pink BMX as soon as you gays buy my bike parts
  17. Jaffacakes

    Koxx Pads

    Im using koxx browns on a echo cnc rim and my break holds whatever the weather.
  18. Awesome vid. It's unbelievable how you can do such big gaps to front wheel with that cast on your arm, when I had mine I couldn't even pull the break. Good stuff
  19. That's one sexual zip A couple of the pics are too far away for my liking though
  20. Very smooth and stylish. The only thing that got to me was the constant darkness.
  21. Good thread. Ah well don't worry about it Mike, thing's usually tern out ok. Just think positive. 'Least you will have a new front disk a few days St Ives is packed with people on holiday at the moment, you cant even get moved. The worst part is they thing they own the town, we were riding this wall and someone just came and sat on it then had the cheek to tell us off for riding it... I wasn't best pleased Also when we ride our rocks by the beach we have a big group (50 or so people) just staring at us from the cliff.
  22. Yeah, brown's are awesome... I just feel like a bit of a t**t for messing around with Zoo's, plazys etc before i got 'em .
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