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Everything posted by Jaffacakes

  1. Haha I don't have any really, all the people I don't like always post s**t and get ripped anyway
  2. http://www.myspace.com/bikerbumboy
  3. This was the origional speck mine had. I don't actually have any of these part's now [attachmentid=5319] And this has *most* the parts my t-lite has now. [attachmentid=5320]
  4. [attachmentid=5317] Im getting a bit bored of it now though, I might rebuild up my T-master
  5. I have one somewhere in my shed, I might build it up soon as there pretty mint
  6. Couple of screen shot's of outside my house just now To front wheel. [attachmentid=5277] Scetchy Tap. [attachmentid=5276]
  7. You wont get a answer mate, you'll just get a couple of pages of oppinions. Most people (including myself) bum water, others like the slow crappy feel of oil
  8. I had a head on with a car on my Ped, That wasn't much fun. Rode into the back of a car going down a hill a few month's back aswell
  9. /\ Im on top < good old bears \/ think's baked bean's make you fart
  10. Hahaha Awesome Looks like he has some good fun with his sheep aswell
  11. Top right bolt on the T-master stem? edit: P.S marky your drug's wont stop that death trap of a TPA finding its way into your leg's
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