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Everything posted by Jaffacakes

  1. I almost voted no. Thank god I decided to read the question
  2. A, you have a new build so it will ping until it settles in. B, Dont have your chain too tight or it just f**ks everything up really, makes your cog, freewheel and chain last less long.
  3. It'll all fit. Your forks may not if you've cut them down though.
  4. Do it, do it, do it... Can't be that bad though, im sure cavemen probebly ate wood or something and papers got to be easier to digest than wood
  5. Sweet Jesus, That's exactly what happens to me. I hate it when my pillow comes out of the cover as well, and my quilt always ends up screwed up in a ball at the end of the covers so half my quilt isn't a quilt and the other halfs too thick and hot
  6. Mod, Stock, Fixed, cassette? What's your price range?
  7. You sure can. There exactly the same, the whole internals of both levers are the same. The new levers suck though This might have helped you
  8. Tom was arrested for Grand theft auto. I wish, It'd sound soooooo cool on my C.V
  9. Jaffacakes

    Poor Benito

    What a silly billy. Too much wanking
  10. Why? P.C Plod's not exactly going undercover on TF
  11. Drop's are gaaaaay I've done about 7-8ft though, I blame bigman
  12. Ped's are pretty fun though. We took our's camping in the summer and pitched a tent in a campsite a few hours away from home. My mate slapped it to f**k the otherday on his though. He ended up smashing his new ped up, doing in the panels on the car and ended up sitting inside the smashed windscreen I'll try to get some pics up. If you ever get one dont get a new one and dont get a shit one. Get an Aprilia or something.
  13. I have a monkey called Chives
  14. Try all tyres are awesome, but I hate them. I had mine for just under a month Creepy crawlers last a good 3 months, I dont really get punctures though
  15. You should buy my T-lite off me I love it to tell the truth. It rides perfectly. It's short, flicky, light. It's still really stable on backwheel aswel.
  16. Jaffacakes

    The Bell Law

    Bah, just go all partz stylee and wack a horn on there When the police stop me for having no light's/reflectors I just say "where can I put them? they just get trashed" then they say "Then your bikes not road legal, push it home". So you walk around the corner and start riding it. It'll probably be the same sort of thing with a bell. It's not like anyone actually listens to the police anyway It's not Illegal for a car not to have a horn is it?
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