Remember that your just changing the water in the maggy not pushing more in there. Basically, just dunk the whole break in a sink or bucket or what ever and make sure that the lever's/calipers are in the water all the time, if you take them out bleed it again, it doesn't matter if the cables out though. Undo the bleed bolts under the water and pull the lever a few, times then put your finger over the bleed hole on the lever and pull the lever, then take your finger off the bleed hole then release the lever, then put your finger over the bleed hole and pull the lever then take your finger off and release the lever etc etc. Do that until no air comes out of the bleed hole in the caliper then do it a few more times to make sure. Do up the bleed bolts on the lever and caliper under the water then take it out the water. If this is the first time you've bled it you mite want to take off the bleed bolt on the caliper and pull the lever a bit so all the gacky oil goes out into a bush or down the sink, then just bleed it like I said above