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Everything posted by Jaffacakes

  1. Mabye we need a trials forum chess competition to liven things up
  2. Shhh! you'll hert their feelings This is me at the last convention
  3. Im not too sure how much fun, bongage with your little sisters will be... Its got to be a prezent they will all like, then forget about Maby something for outside in the summer? BBQ? inflatable sofas? swingball! trampoline? a swimming pool!
  4. Looks like you have koxx cranks and BB so there iso, it wont take that much to take off. Your BB tool might be f**ked. Just undo the bolts and knock them off with a block of wood and a hammer.
  5. It only let me watch it on normal quality... Was a pretty good episode, I liked how the electric style elise beat the petrol elise on a quarter mile.
  6. It sounds like your gear box, does it whine more when you go faster? If its your CV joint it'd be sounding horrendous when your terning going forwards too. It could even be your drive shaft or your maybe your engines come off one of the hinges.
  7. http://www.titane.ca/concordia/dfar251/igod/main.html haha. Just been chatting shit for a good 5 mins
  8. This site isnt really pointless. It has a very specific purpose... You fail.
  9. Sounds prety jewish to me. Im still awake, for now...
  10. L. T-bag just terned into such a nice guy
  11. My vaio was bang on £500, its alright. 2gb ram and 250gb hard drive, hd screen.
  12. Cheatings such a strong word... but if your cheating just remember to deleate your fucking texts, then you have no worries Im not a big fan of girls reading through my phone, I hated it a little while ago. But what is it with girls looking through your phone, as soon as you tern a blind eye!?
  13. ye olde plymouth lot is no more...
  14. I know haha. No idea how long I was gone for, less than a day. I remember it being pitch black when I came out. I'll ask my mum when I next see her. I dissapear for days without her phoning me now... They f**king hurt, a few years ago at school they were all the rage haha. In this summer just gone me and my mate were chefing together at the sazbah (easiest place ive ever worked, just pure pub food and free beer when ever you want, I used to work with the guy whose GF owns it) We had a huge fight with them, he stuck me in the sholder and the hand, I got him in the back twice! blood leaking through his whites. Then when we couldnt handle the pain anymore, we started throwing them at the KP he was like 15 and started crying, he never came back! I remember when I was about 12, a big group of us with water bombs went up to the roof of the porthmeor hotel in the summer. The beach was litrally full of people, we filled 12-14 full size balloons up with water and threw them off hitting so many people... when I was 9-10 me and my old mate jack threw an egg over my wall and it went in someones sunroof, we were cracking up. Until half a hour later we went to leave my house and 2 police cars and the angry guy whose BMW had egg all over the interior, were all standing in my drive. We very nearly got done for vandalism and assult I think it was...
  15. Haha Maby its some thing called ABS (actually im not sure its called that) but my mate used to get it savagely. He'd be driving his car, he'd have to stop where ever he was and get out and lie on the floor. The facial expressions he pulled I gather it was pretty painfull. But im all in with the circus' self operation
  16. Tee hee good old times. I got up to so much mischif it was un real. So I'll just say a few When I was really young like 4-5 I ran away from home, never actually left though. I was just hiding in the attic watching policemen come in and out twice! Had helicopters and I think all the police in liverpool looking for me haha. Least I was so young, I just pretended I was asleep the whole time We used to put coins on the railway tracks then hide underneath the platform when the train came. Set fireworks off at the skatepark at my school in NZ. Very nearly got expeled. We found this under ground bunker that was used in world war 2 on the sand duned once. It was ace, we used to go down there when I was about 12-13 and get stoned lol We put a chimney in it and everything. VERY nearly set fire to the sand dunes though. I went up to take a piss and there was a flamethrower comeing out the top of the chimney! We always had cool dens somewhere, we had one that you had to climb up the side of an old 20 year old shipwreck and it had a zip line in it. more to come when I CBA
  17. "I swear, I didnt know how old she was!"
  18. Theres nothing better than a good old lie. "Im really sorry, i cant see you tonight. Im _______"
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