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Everything posted by Jaffacakes

  1. He looks like a Czech stoner haha
  2. I was tied between mayor west and quagmire. But chose Adam west, cause hes such a wreck head
  3. Brown sauce is god. It just needs to be accompanied by a full fry up
  5. Against the rules dude. This is the best trials forum anyway, 10,000+ members?
  6. I had an invisible owl once... I dont think he liked me very much
  8. Anyone buzzing TF at this early hour?
  9. There better than wearing a burbery cap, like its a jew cap... Flip flops in winter is rediculous, blue feet anyone?
  10. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  11. Its playing like absolute shit internet explorer seems to dislike me... Is there a firefox friendly link around? I need my fix of effieness :$ Snorted.
  12. Much love! But I think you'll agree; That says it all...
  13. Do you two know where eachother live? no? would you do anything if you did? no? SO SHUT THE FUCK UP AND STOP ARGUING OVER THE INTERCHRONIC! Also... Effy would get ravaged for hours in every hole she has! I would ruin her, then do it again 5 minutes later, then I wouldn't let her go to school and Id do it again, and again, so on, until I could ravage no more. Then I'd do it once more. Shes such a little hottie. Anyone care to link me to this ep of skins, so I can fantasise over effie?
  14. W00000000!!!!!one!!!!111!!!five!!!111!!! Just had a f**king epic night! at corn. They played som ef**king tuuuuuuunes! ive Spent the past 4 hours leading the club with my insane dance moves , it was actually epic there was some pure gash there too, met up with some people from college, and school and st ives.! Still covered in glowy facepaint and glowsticks haha f**king good night though! shame I didnt drag anyone hot back to my house haha# So whats happening tonight TF? 你刚才失去游戏 Oh yes you did!
  15. What idiots The pictures say it all though...
  16. Maybe an MOT to make sure there roadworthy, and have good tread on their shoes?
  17. Horses should still be allowed on the roads, just not in built up areas, but they are a danger. A couple of years ago I fell off my moped because some inconsiderate horse rider left shit on a corner. They should have to go back and pick it up in their cars, later on. Its not exactly the most hygenic thing either. Personally, I dont have any problems with perving on hotties riding around on horses though. I just feel like a twat when Im driving in a hurry, and there around a corner.
  18. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  19. Try living where I live in the summer Haz! Its a tourist town, and everyone walks in the middle of the road, stopping at every shop window they see, taking no notice of anything thats going on around them. They act like there on f**king holiday or something! Driving through town is another thing all together, some people seem to think the road is a f**king pavement, and get all agro when you beep your horn or rev your engine When your late for work you just have to litrally push people out of your way My walk/ride/drive to work doubles in time when it gets busy. Why not give her a ring?
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