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Ross Gardner

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Everything posted by Ross Gardner

  1. looks ok, red bars are a bit random, maybe get some silver or black bars or even gold and it would suit your colour scheme better
  2. i have cracked and dented my echo cnc rim and my ronnie. About 13 dents( about 3 of these are folds which means my tyre always pops out) in the ronnie and a crack and about 8 dents (1 fold which also means my tyre comes out) and also a crack in the echo. My try all is stronger so far but is starting to dent, probably because i grind my rim to much. Onza hogs hold grinds really well and are strong so i would buy one of them.
  3. i have a hope mono, there bearings are still flowing as smooth as the day i got them, i dont know anyone who has the american classic either or know how good or bad they are so i would say go for hope
  4. yeah probs up for a little 1 mate, will get some other people out
  5. yeah definatly improved since your last video, sidehop over that rail was pritty big, abit to much editing though and didnt really like the music but the riding was well good
  6. that was amazing! brill song, brill editting and awesome riding
  7. yeah forgot to say that lol i was a bit rushed for clips because for my birthday i knew i was getting a new camera so i wanted to make a video using all the same cam. Thanks for the comments though guys, much appreciated
  8. the whole bike looks a hell of alot sexier with them silver rims! beauty that creepy crawler looks class! lol. Nice 1 mate
  9. i have a Giro Xen, v. comfy, look sexy, come in a range of different colours and most importantly protect your head! TSG helmets are also very comfortable and are cheaper than normal helmets
  10. new link should be up soon, sorry for the wait
  11. sorry guys i will get the link sorted soon
  12. this is now my 5th video, i have been riding for 11 months now and all the riding was filmed when i was 14 years old. Constructive criticism welcome. Thanks to Martin Grainger for the link Video The working video link is near the bottom of the page
  13. some cool pics houseface but i dont like bmx
  14. the Swindlehursts always have amazing brakes! whats your rim and brake pads? nice video, proper good for someone of that age!
  15. sh*t me mate! thats an absoloute beauty hope it rides nicely for you man
  16. It was a cool chilled out video. Some nice camera angles in there. Loved it when you sidehopped onto the shopping trolleys. Good job
  17. me, steve and martin are meeting at the station tomorrow at 11, everyone welcome
  18. i cant make the monday 1, sorry. I will def be riding tuesday, i will try and get a few people to come
  19. i havent snapped my t-pro matt, its because im super smooth t-pro's have been known to snap, its how u ride it really, matt snapped his t-mag because he is fat, not because its a bad frame hahaha joking man
  20. when the bike is built up it looks much better! the colour scheme goes well and hopefully it will ride well for you, good job
  21. yeah i could do friday but no other days this week because im at alton towers
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