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Ross Gardner

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Everything posted by Ross Gardner

  1. Ross Gardner


    Bike looks nice. He rides any bike well. I reckon he is still better on a mod
  2. Yeah i love it martin mate, rides like a dream. Looks the Don aswell. Dont worry about Ash, he is just jealous o yeah, looks like my 221Pr will be coming sooner than i thought. I got a deal on frame and front wheel for my t-pro, and im getting the Hopes for £65
  3. Team looks sweet, i love mine Control looks cool too. Propa lucky boy
  4. Damon_video_3-1 Zoo_Video_32 Both Amazing Music, Good Angles, finally BIG MOVES Also Tartybikes- StanNatural2 Such a nice flowing video
  5. its got a zoo stem joe yeah looks nice man, get some black grips or something then your sorted
  6. Was a really nice vid Alex. Liked the Music. Your improving so quickly all the time and have a really nice style. Good Video mate. Keep it up. Rossy G
  7. that were mint dan taps and sidehops are massive! should be proud. Good video. Rossy
  8. Hey everyone, for some reason Joe Elding changed the date of the Reading ride to the 29th but the 28th is still very much on and i dont think anyone will be there 29th. So yeah, just posting to say the ride is still on the 28th. Cheers Guys. Rossy
  9. Ross Gardner

    Auch! Vol.9

    nicely done, good thing Joe White is in there which i put up
  10. Pompy lot are in then try and get Prawn to come
  11. Mint Dan your style is sweeeet
  12. Riding was mint, especially your sidehops, great style. Editting and filming were spot on to. Music was class, what was it? Overall quality video, well worth keeping
  13. riding was really nice, didnt like the edditing and the song. It sounded like something you would listen to in an indian restaurant.
  14. i brought this dvd last summer, havent watched it for a while. I was gobsmacked! I Just realised how tech skateboarding is now a days. Daewon Song is also a brill tech skater
  15. What a massive improvement! brilliant video, really liked the way you added the feel of the season into your editting. Made the vid alot more watchable and easier to get into. Good riding. Well done buddy Rossy
  16. THE RIDE IS STILL ON THE 28TH, IGNORE THE TITLE. THE RIDE IS STILL ON THE 28TH, IGNORE THE TITLE. IF YOUR WORRIED ABOUT ANYTHING GIVE ME A RING. 07717133671. Yeah, guna be an absoloute sick ride. I shall be riding my new baby. Everyone welcome!! hopefully the pompy lot will come up aswell.
  17. Hello guys, just got some clips together over the past month, some good, some not so good. 15 years old, been riding 1 year 2 months. Music : Lost Prophets - Everyday Combat. Constructive criticism welcome. Cheers, have a good christmas Rossy eengoedidee
  18. Ross Gardner


    billy boy, that video was top! them pivots on the rails were amazing. True inspiration
  19. Ross Gardner

    Joe Baxter

    Brilliant Joe Improved so much over the past few months. Some big Sidehops in there. Quality Rail stuff aswell, especially the one at the end. Thing that made me laugh was that rail gap, you couldnt get to the rail the first 2 attempts, so f*uck it lets go over and nailed it perfect. Well done mate, excellent job Rossy
  20. ash mate that was sweet! that wheelswap over the rail was absolutely sick! nice hooks and front wheel stuff 2. Throughly enjoyed it, ride soon Rossy
  21. mix of old school, and new school. Loving it
  22. yes benster! will be good to ride with you again mate. Im in
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